Version 0.1.4 (2022/04/07)
This project is a simulated differential drive robot intended to be used with Gazebo. The robot is specified within a ROS package using URDF/Xacro files.
With this version, it is possible to do:
- Fixed gravity bug of having only 1 simulated caster wheel for
model compatible with different radius for each wheel (left and right)- Usage of the
controller for differential drive robots - 2D laser scanner on top of the robots
- Absolute paths when including files in a xacro file
- Launch file with an argument to select the intended URDF model
- Complete URDF model with odometry of a two-wheeled differential drive robot
- Complete URDF model with odometry of a four-wheel differential drive robot (aka skid-steer drive)
The next version will add these features:
- Odometry working fine
- Two caster wheels simulated with two spheres (front and back to support the robot)
- Equivalent to a skid-steer drive robot
- Angular motion should make the robot slipping (bad for odometry)
Current version:
- Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- ROS Melodic
- controller_manager
- diff_drive_controller_rbs
- gazebo_ros
- gazebo_ros_control
- joint_state_controller
- position_controllers
- robot_state_publisher
- rqt_robot_steering
- rviz
- xacro
$ roslaunch robot_sim_diff_drive_rbs gazebo.launch
$ roslaunch robot_sim_diff_drive_rbs diff_drive.launch model:=<diff_drive|diff_drive_4>
- Ricardo B. Sousa (gitlab, github, personal, feup:professor, feup:student, inesctec)
- Héber Miguel Sobreira (gitlab, inesctec)
- António Paulo Moreira (feup)