The project aims to facilitate access to buying and selling option contracts through Robinhood for profit (or at least that's the goal lol)
It also leverages the visualization and backtesting capabilities of the jesse tool
Python is installed
Clone repository
Install deps ->
pip install -r requirements.txt
As of 10/05:
To import historical candle data for a ticker of your choice:
- Go to
- Copy the contents into a
in that same folder - Edit values if/as needed.
- Go to
- Edit the
values as desired to customize the retrieval of historical candle data
- Go to
To run jesse on docker:
cd /data_visualization/docker
docker-compose up -d
-- to start- open http://localhost:9000/#/ on your browser
docker-compose down
-- to stop
- With the docker container running:
- Your local port 5432 is forwarded to the Postgres DB so you can use something like DBViz to get visibility into the data by using the .env postgres username and password
The project was created using the following external resources:
- Fork the repository
- Clone it to your local machine
- Create a branch with your new feature
- Add, commit, and push your changes to your branch
- Create a pull request on this project with your branch changes
This project is using an MIT license. Click here LICENSE for more details.