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updated translation resources
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localizer committed Jan 4, 2016
1 parent 4b0bad4 commit 8778e2d
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Showing 1,099 changed files with 71,568 additions and 71,568 deletions.
180 changes: 90 additions & 90 deletions newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
'No such article type': 'No such article type'
'Multi-line Text': 'Multi-line Text'
'Filter saved': 'Filter saved'
'Filter not saved': 'Filter not saved'
'Not a color': 'Not a color'
'No such field': 'No such field'
'Color saved': 'Color saved'
'Color not saved': 'Color not saved'
'Topic created': 'Topic created'
'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
'Complex Date': 'Complex Date'
vertices: vertices
'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.'
'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.'
'Pan Map': 'Pan Map'
'Open large map': 'Open large map'
'No news available.': 'No news available.'
'Edit Polygon': 'Edit Polygon'
'Create Polygon': 'Create Polygon'
'Communication error: ': 'Communication error: '
'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Cant fetch news from $1'
Loading...: Loading...
Version: Version
License: License
Homepage: Homepage
'Show original map': 'Show original map'
'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.'
Map: Map
Center: Center
Title: Title
'Invalid security token.': 'Invalid security token.'
'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'Callback $1 is not callable.'
'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Article translated to $4 ($5)'
'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Article status changed from $1 to $2.'
'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
'Article created.': 'Article created.'
'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).'
'Article URL': 'Article URL'
'Article Number': 'Article Number'
'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
unknown: unknown
Switch: Switch
Numeric: Numeric
'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'The uploaded file format is unsupported.'
'The following fields are mandatory:': 'The following fields are mandatory:'
'Missing value for $1': 'Missing value for $1'
'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* Marked fields are mandatory.'
'$1 is of type $2': '$1 is of type $2'
'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Invalid resize width/height.'
'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Image type $1 is not supported.'
'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'The file uploaded is not an image.'
'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Could not delete record from the database.'
'template path': 'template path'
'short names': 'short names'
'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Unable to fetch image from remote server.'
Last: Last
First: First
'Single-line Text': 'Single-line Text'
'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG'
'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.'
'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 is not an image.'
'No such article type': 'Belə məqalə növü yoxdur'
'Multi-line Text': 'Çox zolaqlı Mətn'
'Filter saved': 'Filter saxlandı'
'Filter not saved': 'Filter saxlanmadı'
'Not a color': Rəngsiz
'No such field': 'Belə sahə yoxdur'
'Color saved': 'Rəng saxlandı'
'Color not saved': 'Rəng saxlanmadı'
'Topic created': 'Mövzu yaradıldı'
'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'Təklif edilən mövzu adı başqa mövzuda istifadə edilir.'
'Complex Date': 'Əlavə Məlumatlı Tarix'
vertices: zirvələr
'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'XML RPC əməliyyatının icrasında problem yarandı.'
'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'Airtime server konfiqurasiyası səhvdir.'
'Pan Map': 'Panoramik Xəritə'
'Open large map': 'Böyük xəritəni aç'
'No news available.': 'Hal-hazırda xəbər yoxdur.'
'Edit Polygon': 'Çoxbucaqlını Dəyiş'
'Create Polygon': 'Çoxbucaqlı Yarat'
'Communication error: ': 'Ünsiyyət xətası:'
'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Xəbər $1-dən(dan) endirilə bilmir'
Loading...: Yüklənir...
Version: Versiya
License: Lisenziya
Homepage: 'Baş səhifə'
'Show original map': 'Orijinal xəritəni göstər'
'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'Yüklənmiş arxivdə qüvvədə olan newscoop plaqini yoxdur.'
Map: Xəritə
Center: Mərkəz
Title: Başlıq
'Invalid security token.': 'Səhv təhlükəsizlik nişanı.'
'Callback $1 is not callable.': '$1 istiqamətində geriyə zəng mümkün deyil.'
'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Məqalə $4 ($5) dilinə tərcümə edildi'
'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Məqalə başlığı $1 variantından $2 variantına dəyişdirildi.'
'Article deleted.': 'Məqalə silindi.'
'Article created.': 'Məqalə yaradıldı.'
'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Məqalə $4 Məqaləsinə köçürüldü (nəşr $5, maddə $6, bölmə $7).'
'Article URL': 'Məqalə URL-i'
'Article Number': 'Məqalə Nömrəsi'
'Access denied.': 'Giriş qadağandır.'
'Publish with issue': 'Maddə ilə nümayiş et'
unknown: naməlum
Switch: Keç
Numeric: Rəqəmsal
'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'Yüklənmiş fayl növü dəstəklənmir.'
'The following fields are mandatory:': 'Növbəti sahələr məcburidir:'
'Missing value for $1': '$1 üçün dəyər çatmır'
'Manage Plugins': 'Plaqinləri Quraşdır'
'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* ilə işarələnmiş sahələr məcburidir.'
'$1 is of type $2': '$1 $2-nin növüdür'
'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Enin/uzunun ölçüsünün dəyişilməsində səhv.'
'Image type $1 is not supported.': '$1 şəkil növü dəstəklənmir.'
'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'Yüklənmiş fayl şəkil deyil.'
'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Yazı məlumat bazasından silinə bilmədi.'
'template path': 'nümunənin istiqaməti'
'short names': 'qısa adlar'
'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Şəkil serverdən endirilə bilmədi.'
Last: Son
First: İlk
'Single-line Text': 'Bir sətirli Mətn'
'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'WYSIWYG ilə çox sətirli Mətn'
'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': '$1 URL-i səhvdir və ya şəkil deyil.'
'URL $1 is not an image.': '$1 URL-i şəkil deyil.'
added: 'Client was added'
notfound: 'Client not found'
removed: 'Client was removed'
added: 'Sifarişçi əlavə edildi'
notfound: 'Sifarişçi tapılmadı'
removed: 'Sifarişçi xaric edildi'
updated: 'Public resources was updated'
updated: 'İctimai vəsait yeniləndi'
title: 'Configure API - public resources'
title_content: 'Configure API - public resources'
title: 'API - ictimai vəsaiti konfiqurasiya et'
title_content: 'API - ictimai vəsaiti konfiqurasiya et'
resources: 'Public Resources'
clients: Clients
resources: 'İctimai Vəsaitlər'
clients: Sifarişçilər
info: 'By default all resources are protected by firewall, but you can choose resources to make them public for everyone.'
api_docs: 'A full documentation of the API can be found on your instance (and it''s public)'
add_button: 'Add Client'
info: 'Mövcud halda bütün vəsaitlər qoruyucu divar tərəfindən qorunur, amma sən istədiyin vəsaitləri ictimailəşdirmək üçün seçə bilərsən.'
api_docs: null
add_button: 'Sifarişçi Əlavə Et'
name: 'Client name'
id: 'Client id'
secret: Secret
trusted: 'Trusted?'
redirect: 'Redirect Uris'
publication: Publication
actions: Actions
name: 'Sifarişçi adı'
id: 'Sifarişçi id-si'
secret: Sirr
trusted: 'İnanırsınız?'
redirect: 'Urisi Başqa Yerə Yönəlt'
publication: Nəşr
actions: Addımlar
remove: Remove
remove: 'Xaric Et'
confirm: 'You sure that you want remove this client?'
confirm: 'Bu sifarişçini xaric etmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
menu: API
name: 'Choose name for your client:'
publication: 'Choose publication for your client:'
redirectUris: 'Choose redirect uris for your client:'
trusted: 'Trusted?'
save: Save
name: 'Sifarişçin üçün ad seç:'
publication: 'Sifarişçin üçün nəşr seç:'
redirectUris: 'Sifarişçin üçün yönü dəyişilmiş urisi seç:'
trusted: 'İnanırsınız?'
save: Saxla
routes: 'Choose resources to make public:'
save: Save
routes: 'İctimailəşdirmək üçün vəsait seç:'
save: Saxla
182 changes: 91 additions & 91 deletions newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
'No such article type': 'No such article type'
'Multi-line Text': 'Multi-line Text'
'Filter saved': 'Filter saved'
'Filter not saved': 'Filter not saved'
'Not a color': 'Not a color'
'No such field': 'No such field'
'Color saved': 'Color saved'
'Color not saved': 'Color not saved'
'Topic created': 'Topic created'
'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
'Complex Date': 'Complex Date'
vertices: vertices
'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.'
'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.'
'Pan Map': 'Pan Map'
'Open large map': 'Open large map'
'No news available.': 'No news available.'
'Edit Polygon': 'Edit Polygon'
'Create Polygon': 'Create Polygon'
'Communication error: ': 'Communication error: '
'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Cant fetch news from $1'
Loading...: Loading...
Version: Version
License: License
Homepage: Homepage
'Show original map': 'Show original map'
'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.'
Map: Map
Center: Center
Title: Title
'Invalid security token.': 'Invalid security token.'
'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'Callback $1 is not callable.'
'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Article translated to $4 ($5)'
'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Article status changed from $1 to $2.'
'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
'Article created.': 'Article created.'
'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).'
'Article URL': 'Article URL'
'Article Number': 'Article Number'
'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
unknown: unknown
Switch: Switch
Numeric: Numeric
'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'The uploaded file format is unsupported.'
'The following fields are mandatory:': 'The following fields are mandatory:'
'Missing value for $1': 'Missing value for $1'
'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* Marked fields are mandatory.'
'$1 is of type $2': '$1 is of type $2'
'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Invalid resize width/height.'
'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Image type $1 is not supported.'
'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'The file uploaded is not an image.'
'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Could not delete record from the database.'
'template path': 'template path'
'short names': 'short names'
'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Unable to fetch image from remote server.'
Last: Last
First: First
'Single-line Text': 'Single-line Text'
'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG'
'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.'
'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 is not an image.'
'No such article type': null
'Multi-line Text': null
'Filter saved': null
'Filter not saved': null
'Not a color': 'Не зяўляецца колерам'
'No such field': 'Няма такога поля'
'Color saved': 'Колер захаваны'
'Color not saved': 'Колер не захаваны'
'Topic created': 'Тэма створаная'
'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'Гэтае імя ўжо выкарыстоўваецца іншай тэмай.'
'Complex Date': 'Складовая дата'
vertices: вяршыні
'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'Памылка ў спробе выканання функцыі XML RPC.'
'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'Няправільныя налады сервера Airtime.'
'Pan Map': 'Панарамаванне Карты'
'Open large map': 'Адкрыць у вялікім акне'
'No news available.': 'Няма даступных навін.'
'Edit Polygon': 'Рэдагаваць ламаную'
'Create Polygon': 'Стварыць ламаную'
'Communication error: ': 'Памылка сувязі:'
'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Немагчыма атрымаць навіны з $1'
Loading...: Пампуецца...
Version: Версія
License: Ліцэнзія
Homepage: Галоўная
'Show original map': 'Паказаць азначаную карту'
'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'Загружаны архіў не змяшчае правільны плагін Newscoop.'
Map: Карта
Center: Цэнтр
Title: Загаловак
'Invalid security token.': 'Няправільны маркер бяспекі.'
'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'Зваротнае тэлефанаванне $ 1 недаступнае'
'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Артыкул перакладзены на $4 ($5)'
'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Статут артыкула зменены з $1 на $2.'
'Article deleted.': 'Артыкул выдалены.'
'Article created.': 'Артыкул створаны.'
'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Артыкул скапіраваны ў артыкул Article $ 4 (выданне $5, выпуск $6, рубрыка $7)'
'Article URL': 'URL артыкула'
'Article Number': 'Нумар артыкула'
'Access denied.': 'Адмоўлена ў доступе.'
'Publish with issue': 'Апублiкаваць выпуск'
unknown: невядома
Switch: Пераключальнік
Numeric: Лічбавы
'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'Фармат файлу для загрузкі не падтрымліваецца сыстэмай.'
'The following fields are mandatory:': 'Дадзеныя палі абавязковыя для запаўненьня'
'Missing value for $1': 'Прапушчанае значэньне пераменнай $1'
'Manage Plugins': 'Кіраваць прагінамі'
'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* Адзначаныя палі абавязковыя для запаўненьня'
'$1 is of type $2': '$1 мае тып $2'
'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Немагчыма зьмяніць даўжыню/шырыню.'
'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Тып графiчнага файла $1 не падтрымлiваецца.'
'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'Загружаны файл ня ёсьць графiчны файл.'
'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Не ўдалося выдаліць запiс з базы даных.'
'template path': 'шлях да шаблёну'
'short names': 'кароткiя iмёны '
'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Немагчыма '
Last: Апошнi
First: Першы
'Single-line Text': Тэкст
'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Цела артыкула'
'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 няправільны цi не зьяўляецца графічным файлам.'
'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 не зьяўляецца графIчным файлам.'
added: 'Client was added'
notfound: 'Client not found'
removed: 'Client was removed'
added: null
notfound: null
removed: null
updated: 'Public resources was updated'
updated: null
title: 'Configure API - public resources'
title_content: 'Configure API - public resources'
title: null
title_content: null
resources: 'Public Resources'
clients: Clients
resources: null
clients: null
info: 'By default all resources are protected by firewall, but you can choose resources to make them public for everyone.'
api_docs: 'A full documentation of the API can be found on your instance (and it''s public)'
add_button: 'Add Client'
info: null
api_docs: null
add_button: null
name: 'Client name'
id: 'Client id'
secret: Secret
trusted: 'Trusted?'
redirect: 'Redirect Uris'
publication: Publication
actions: Actions
name: null
id: null
secret: null
trusted: null
redirect: null
publication: Выданьне
actions: Апэрацыi
remove: Remove
remove: Выдалiць
confirm: 'You sure that you want remove this client?'
menu: API
confirm: null
menu: null
name: 'Choose name for your client:'
publication: 'Choose publication for your client:'
redirectUris: 'Choose redirect uris for your client:'
trusted: 'Trusted?'
save: Save
name: null
publication: null
redirectUris: null
trusted: null
save: Захаваць
routes: 'Choose resources to make public:'
save: Save
routes: null
save: Захаваць

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