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funk(c)tional programming for Java >= 8.

Type safe structural pattern matching

public void shouldMatchHeadOfList() throws Exception {
    final String actual = new Pattern<List<String>>()
            .when(nil(() -> "nil"))
            .when(head(x -> "head: " + x))
            .match(asList("one", "two", "three"));

    assertEquals("head: one", actual);

public void shouldMatchSome() throws Exception {
    final String actual = new Pattern<Optional<String>>()
            .when(none(() -> "got: none"))
            .when(some(e -> "got: some " + e))

    assertEquals("got: some foo", actual);

public void shouldCalcFibonacci() throws Exception {
    final int i = fibonacciRecursion(10);
    assertEquals(55, i);

public static int fibonacciRecursion(int val) {
    return new Pattern<Integer>()
            .when(eq(1, i -> 1))
            .when(eq(2, i -> 1))
            .when(__(x -> fibonacciRecursion(x - 1) + fibonacciRecursion(x - 2)))

public void shouldReuseMatcher() throws Exception {

    final Match<String, String> matcher = new Pattern<String>()
            .when(eq("foo", s -> "got: " + s))
            .when(eq("bar", s -> "got: " + s))

    assertEquals("got: bar", matcher.match("bar"));
    assertEquals("got: foo", matcher.match("foo"));

public void shouldExtractPairWhenKeyEq() throws Exception {
    final String actual = new Pattern<Pair<String, Integer>>()
            .when(pair(eq("foo"), any(), (key, value) -> key + "bar"))
            .match(Pair.of("foo", 100));

    assertEquals("foobar", actual);

public void shouldMatchJdkMapWithKey() throws Exception {
    Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(1);
    map.put("foo", "bar");
    final String actual = new Pattern<Map<String, String>>()
            .when(map("foo", any(), (key, value) -> key + value))
    assertEquals("foobar", actual);

Option<T> for safe null handling

public void shouldFilterSome() throws Exception {
    assertTrue(some("foo").filter(s -> s.equals("foo")).isPresent());

public void shouldComposeWithStream() throws Exception {
    Option<String> foo = some("foo");
    Option<String> none = none();
    final String actual = Stream.of(foo, none)

    assertEquals("foo", actual);

Try<T> for safe exception handling

public void shouldReturnCorrectValueWithoutThrowing() throws Exception {
    String actual = Try.from("foo")
            .filter(s -> s.equals("foo"))
            .map(s -> s + "bar")
            .transform(Try::success, Try::failure)
            .recover(throwable -> "not used")
            .orElse("not used");

    assertEquals("foobar", actual);

Lazy<T> for lazy initialization

public void whenCalledMultipleTimes_ReturnCachedResult() throws Exception {
    Lazy<Integer> lazy = Lazy.of(() -> new Random().nextInt());
    Integer actual = lazy.get();
    Integer actualNext = lazy.get();
    assertEquals(actual, actualNext);

And many more (memoization, expiring cache, etc.)...


Binaries and dependency information for Maven, Ivy, Gradle and others can be found at

Example for Gradle:

compile 'net.soundvibe:funk4j:x.y.z'

and for Maven:


Bugs and Feedback

For bugs, questions and discussions please use the Github Issues.


Copyright 2016 Linas Naginionis

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.