- Construct a chatbot that responds to various inputs from Dave
- Feel free to use the HTML and CSS scaffolds or construct your own
- Be creative with your logic and responses!
- Feel free to also change the characters and anything in the starter code—be creative!
- Have the AI respond to user input
- Do at least 3 different things
- One of the commands must utilize the list of people in the class to send a reply
- Use at least 1 conditional to change the response
- Leverage a for loop to iterate over a collection
- Use a random component
- Go above and beyond simple
- Have 2 or more AIs responding based upon user input
- Use a regular expression to parse and manipulate the response
- Have a conversation between two AIs (without creating an infinite loop!)
- A working chatbot hosted somewhere publicly accessible (CodePen, Github Pages, etc.)
- A new git respository containing your code
- A
file with explanations of what your bot does, what commands it responds to, the approach taken, unsolved problems, etc.