Texpress is a project setup for using ExpressJS with Typescript. It includes a monorepo architecture and uses turborepo for managing the codebase.
- Node.js v17 or later
- Yarn package manager
- RabbitMQ (For Queue Management)
- Redis (For Caching and Sessions)
- PostgreSQL (For Database)
To get started with Texpress, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/sonish777/t-express.git
- Install the dependencies:
cd texpress
yarn install
- Create configuration file
and copy the contents from'default.example.json'
to the new file (insideconfig
Texpress uses config package for managing configurations
Create env file
and copy the contents from'.env.example'
to the new file in the project root directory. -
Run migrations
Note: Create a database named
(or the database name you have in previously created config file) in PostgreSQL.
yarn migration:run
- Run Seeder
yarn seeder:run
- Compile the Javascript files for the CMS application
yarn build:js
Note: Use
yarn watch:js
to compile in watch mode.
- Start the development server
yarn dev
Once you have started the development server, you can access the built-in apps at the following URLs:
- CMS: http://localhost:8000/auth/login
Super Admin Login Credentials:- Username: admin@texpress.com
- Password: Test@1234
- API: http://localhost:8001/api-docs
- Consumer: http://localhost:9999/healthz
You can customize the apps and add your own functionality by editing the code in the 'apps'
and 'packages'
If you find a bug or have a feature request, please create an issue on the GitHub repository.
To contribute to Texpress, follow these steps:
Fork the repository.
Create a new branch with your changes:
Commit your changes:
Push your changes to your fork:
Open a pull request on the main repository.