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Bug: uses wrong implementation of GNOI Reboot. #17436

hdwhdw opened this issue Mar 10, 2025 · 0 comments


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hdwhdw commented Mar 10, 2025

Is it platform specific


Importance or Severity


Description of the bug

GNOI System Reboot was implemented as a "config reload" at some point. There is no dependency on this feature except for the test

More specifically, GNOI.System.Reboot was implemented as a config reload in sonic-net/sonic-gnmi#7. This is not aligned with GNOI official definition and fortunately has no prod dependencies.

This test is blocking efforts in merging the real reboot, as in sonic-net/sonic-buildimage#20786

We should rewrite the test to use a real config reload in the step.

Steps to Reproduce

Pull sonic-net/sonic-buildimage#20786, sonic-net/sonic-gnmi#308 and sonic-host-services changes for gNOI Warm Reboot by rkavitha-hcl · Pull Request #191 · sonic-net/sonic-host-services into the latest buildimage and run the test.

Actual Behavior and Expected Behavior

The test fail with "06:57:30 helper.gnoi_reboot L0433 ERROR | panic: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = Invalid request: reboot method is not supported."

The test should pass

Relevant log output

Running test case with Python:
Python 3.8.10
Run: python3 -m pytest gnmi/      --inventory=../ansible/veos_vtb --host-pattern=all --testbed=vms-kvm-t1-lag     --testbed_file=../ansible/vtestbed.yaml --log-cli-level=warning --log-file-level=debug     --kube_master=unset --showlocals --assert=plain --show-capture=no -rav     --ignore=ptftests --ignore=acstests --ignore=saitests --ignore=scripts --ignore=k8s --ignore=sai_qualify      --log-file='logs/gnmi/test_gnmi_configdb|||1.log' --junit-xml='logs/gnmi/test_gnmi_configdb|||1.xml'   --allow_recover --topology=t1,any --device_type=vs --maxfail=1
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.10, pytest-7.4.0, pluggy-1.5.0
ansible: 2.13.13
rootdir: /var/src/sonic-mgmt/tests
configfile: pytest.ini
plugins: html-4.1.1, xdist-1.28.0, stress-1.0.1, forked-1.6.0, repeat-0.9.3, ansible-4.0.0, metadata-3.1.1, allure-pytest-2.8.22

----------------------------- live log collection ------------------------------
06:52:57 testbed.get_testbed_type                 L0263 WARNING| Unsupported testbed type - force10-7nodes
06:52:58 testbed.get_testbed_type                 L0263 WARNING| Unsupported testbed type - force10-7nodes
collected 13 items

gnmi/ PASSED     [  7%]
gnmi/ PASSED     [ 15%]
gnmi/[test_data0] PASSED [ 23%]
gnmi/[test_data1] PASSED [ 30%]
gnmi/[test_data2] PASSED [ 38%]
gnmi/[test_data0] PASSED [ 46%]
gnmi/[test_data1] PASSED [ 53%]
gnmi/[test_data2] PASSED [ 61%]
gnmi/[test_data0] PASSED [ 69%]
gnmi/[test_data1] PASSED [ 76%]
gnmi/[test_data2] PASSED [ 84%]
gnmi/ PASSED [ 92%]
-------------------------------- live log call ---------------------------------
06:57:30 helper.gnoi_reboot                       L0433 ERROR  | panic: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = Invalid request: reboot method is not supported.

goroutine 1 [running]:, {0xb2bf58, 0xc0002e6000})
	/sonic/src/sonic-gnmi/gnoi_client/system/reboot.go:21 +0x1b9
	/sonic/src/sonic-gnmi/gnoi_client/gnoi_client.go:39 +0x525
06:57:42 __init__.pytest_runtest_call             L0040 ERROR  | Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/_pytest/", line 1788, in runtest
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pluggy/", line 513, in __call__
    return self._hookexec(, self._hookimpls.copy(), kwargs, firstresult)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pluggy/", line 120, in _hookexec
    return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pluggy/", line 139, in _multicall
    raise exception.with_traceback(exception.__traceback__)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pluggy/", line 103, in _multicall
    res = hook_impl.function(*args)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/_pytest/", line 194, in pytest_pyfunc_call
    result = testfunction(**testargs)
  File "/var/src/sonic-mgmt/tests/gnmi/", line 282, in test_gnmi_configdb_full_01
    assert status == "down", "Full config failed to toggle interface %s status" % interface
AssertionError: Full config failed to toggle interface Ethernet0 status

FAILED                                                                   [100%]DEBUG:tests.conftest:[log_custom_msg] item: <Function test_gnmi_configdb_full_01>
INFO:root:Can not get Allure report URL. Please check logs

=================================== FAILURES ===================================
__________________________ test_gnmi_configdb_full_01 __________________________

duthosts = [<MultiAsicSonicHost vlab-03>], rand_one_dut_hostname = 'vlab-03'
ptfhost = <tests.common.devices.ptf.PTFHost object at 0x7f225c067ac0>

    def test_gnmi_configdb_full_01(duthosts, rand_one_dut_hostname, ptfhost):
        Verify GNMI native write, full config for configDB
        Toggle interface admin status
        duthost = duthosts[rand_one_dut_hostname]
        if duthost.is_supervisor_node():
            pytest.skip("gnmi test relies on port data not present on supervisor card '%s'" % rand_one_dut_hostname)
        interface = get_first_interface(duthost)
        assert interface is not None, "Invalid interface"
        # Get ASIC namespace and check interface
        if duthost.sonichost.is_multi_asic:
            for asic in duthost.frontend_asics:
                dic = get_sonic_cfggen_output(duthost, asic.namespace)
                if interface in dic["PORT"]:
            dic = get_sonic_cfggen_output(duthost)
        assert "PORT" in dic, "Failed to read running config"
        assert interface in dic["PORT"], "Failed to get interface %s" % interface
        assert "admin_status" in dic["PORT"][interface], "Failed to get interface %s" % interface
        # Update full config with GNMI
        dic["PORT"][interface]["admin_status"] = "down"
        filename = "full.txt"
        with open(filename, 'w') as file:
            json.dump(dic, file)
        ptfhost.copy(src=filename, dest='/root')
        delete_list = ["/sonic-db:CONFIG_DB/localhost/"]
        update_list = ["/sonic-db:CONFIG_DB/localhost/:@/root/%s" % filename]
        gnmi_set(duthost, ptfhost, delete_list, update_list, [])
        # Check interface status and gnmi_get result
        status = get_interface_status(duthost, "admin_status", interface)
        assert status == "up", "Port status is changed"
        # GNOI reboot
        gnoi_reboot(duthost, 0, 0, "abc")
            wait_until(600, 10, 0, duthost.critical_services_fully_started),
            "All critical services should be fully started!")
            wait_until(300, 10, 0, check_interface_status_of_up_ports, duthost),
            "Not all ports that are admin up on are operationally up")
        # Check interface status
        status = get_interface_status(duthost, "admin_status", interface)
>       assert status == "down", "Full config failed to toggle interface %s status" % interface
E       AssertionError: Full config failed to toggle interface Ethernet0 status

delete_list = ['/sonic-db:CONFIG_DB/localhost/']
dic        = {'AAA': {'accounting': {'login': 'tacacs+,local'}, 'authentication': {'login': 'tacacs+'}, 'authorization': {'login': ...led'}, 'dhcp_server': {'available_mem_threshold': '10.0', 'rate_limit_interval': '600', 'state': 'enabled'}, ...}, ...}
duthost    = <MultiAsicSonicHost vlab-03>
duthosts   = [<MultiAsicSonicHost vlab-03>]
file       = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='full.txt' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>
filename   = 'full.txt'
interface  = 'Ethernet0'
ptfhost    = <tests.common.devices.ptf.PTFHost object at 0x7f225c067ac0>
rand_one_dut_hostname = 'vlab-03'
status     = 'up'
update_list = ['/sonic-db:CONFIG_DB/localhost/:@/root/full.txt']

gnmi/ AssertionError
=============================== warnings summary ===============================
  /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/paramiko/ CryptographyDeprecationWarning: Blowfish has been deprecated
    "class": algorithms.Blowfish,

-- Docs:
- generated xml file: /var/src/sonic-mgmt/tests/logs/gnmi/test_gnmi_configdb|||1.xml -
=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED gnmi/ - AssertionErro...
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stopping after 1 failures !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
============= 1 failed, 12 passed, 1 warning in 310.71s (0:05:10) ==============

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