Copyright 2013 - Alec Jacobson, Daniele Panozzo, Olga Diamanti, Kenshi Takayama, Leo Sacht
This is first and foremost a header library. Each header file should contain a single function. The function may have multiple prototypes. All functions should use the igl namespace and should adhere to the conventions and styles listed below.
- Eigen3 Last tested with Eigen Version 3.2
- OpenGL (
) - AntTweakBar (
) Last tested 1.16 (see - libigl/external/AntTweakBar)
- GLEW Windows only
- OpenMP
- libpng libiglpng extra only
- Mosek libiglmosek extra only
- Matlab libiglmatlab extra only
- boost libboost extra only
- TetGen libigltetgen extra only
- Embree libiglembree extra only
- tinyxml2 libiglxml extra only
libigl is designed to work "out-of-the-box" as a headers only library. To
include libigl in your project. You need only include the libigl/include/
directory in your include path and define the IGL_HEADER_ONLY
macro. To
compile a hello-word example.cpp:
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <igl/readOBJ.h>
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
Eigen::MatrixXd V;
Eigen::MatrixXi F;
std::cout<<"Hello, mesh with "<<V.rows()<<" vertices!"<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Hello, world!"<<std::endl;
return 0;
using gcc (replacing appropriate paths):
g++ -DIGL_HEADER_ONLY -I/usr/local/igl/libigl/include \
-I/opt/local/include/eigen3 example.cpp -o example
Then run this example with:
./example examples/shared/TinyTorus.obj
libigl is developed most often on Mac OS X, though has current users in Linux and Windows.
libigl may also be compiled to a static library. This is advantageous when building a project with libigl, since the header only directive can slow down compile times.
To build the entire libigl library producing lib/libigl.a, issue:
make lib
You may need to edit Makefile.conf accordingly. Best to give yourself an
and add a custom install suite for yourself. Then you can enable
appropriate extras.
Once you've set up an IGL_USERNAME
and enabled extras within Makefile.conf.
You can build the extra libraries (into lib/ligiglpng.a, lib/libiglmatlab.a,
lib/libigltetgen.a, lib/libiglmosek.a, etc.) by issuing:
make extras
You can make a slew of examples by issuing:
make examples
Finally there are a number of external libraries that we include in ./external/ because they are either difficult to obtain or they have been patched for easier use with libigl. Please see the respective readmes in those directories.
To build the a static AntTweakBar library on Mac OS X issue:
cd external/AntTweakBar/src
make -f Makefile.osx.igl
To build the tetgen library and executable on Mac OS X issue:
cd external/tetgen
make clean
rm -f obj/*.o
make -f Makefile.igl tetgen
rm -f obj/*.o
make -f Makefile.igl tetlib
To build the igl version of the medit executable on Mac OS X issue:
cd external/medit
make -C libmesh
make -f Makefile.igl medit
To build the embree library and executables on Mac OS X issue:
cd external/embree
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
# Or using a different compiler
#cmake .. -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/opt/local/bin/gcc -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/opt/local/bin/g++
# Could also install embree to your root, but libigl examples don't expect
# this
#sudo make install
To build the a static tinyxml2 library on Mac OS X issue:
cd external/tinyxml2
cmake .
To build the a static YImg library on Mac OS X issue:
cd external/yimg
To build a static library (.lib) on windows, open Visual Studio 2010.
- New > Project ...
- Visual C++ > Win32
- Win32 Console Application
- Name: libiglVisualStudio
- Uncheck "Create directory for solution"
- Then hit OK, and then Next
- Check "Static Library"
- Uncheck "Precompiled headers"
- Add all include/igl/*.cpp to the sources directory
- Add all include/igl/*.h to the headers directory
- Open Project > libigl Properties...
- Add the path to eigen3 to the include paths
- Change the target name to libigl
- Build and pray (this should create libigl.lib
To get started, we advise that you take a look at a few examples:
Further documentation for developers is listed in tutorial.html, style_guidelines.html
Zip this directory without .git litter and binaries using:
git archive —prefix=libigl/ -o master
libigl is a group endeavor led by Alec Jacobson and Daniele Panozzo. Please contact if you have questions or comments. We are happy to get feedback! Enjoy!
If you find bugs or have problems please use our github issue tracking page.