bellbox is a message routing and storage system
- targets are either individual users or groups
- users may have multiple receivers (push, api calls)
- anyone may invite anyone to a group but only owners can forcibly remove people from the group
- collections of users
- valid targets
- a sender is any system that can make api calls to notify a user
- senders must ask permission to send to a target
- create a new user
- {"user": "myUsername", "password": "...."}
- returns an authorization header for all other api calls
- users may only be made administrators via database editing
- same as new but for an existing user
- no email recovery feature
create a bell for a user
body {"name": "bell name", "type": "BELLTYPE", "key": "BELLID"}
reply {"id": "bellId", "bellDeleteSecret": "secret"}
[{"id": "AUTOGENERATEDBELLID", "name": "bell name", "type": "BELLTYPE", "key": "only for web bell types"}] // maybe soon , "enabled": true}]
get all the bells
{"id": "bellId"} / {"id": "bellId", "bellDeleteSecret": "secret"}
may be called with a bellId if using a user's authentication
otherwise, a delete secret must be provided by the bell to remove itself (uninstallation, on/off toggling etc)
-[on off]
turn the bell on and off to enable/disable notifications being sent to it
bell key
- for an android app, this is your fcm token
- a config.json file will need to be populated with your fcm server key
- for an ios app, this is your apns? token
- a config.json file will need to be populated with paths to your certificates or whatever it is?
- for a web app, this is your callback url
- nothing is required for this
bell types
- IOS (unsupported right now)
- TARGET is an api target, defined below
- request {"title": "This is a test notification", "body": "This is a notification body", "priority": "normal"}
- must include Authorization header defined in bell ringer authentication
send priority
- urgent - this must be delivered, privacy must not be respected, this notification could be life changing or is deemed sufficently dangerous to violate basic security. don't use this unless you've got a dead mans switch about to throw or something
- high - delivery using high priority fcm/apns messages (message identification risk moderate until security padding increased/decreased based on priority)
- normal - deliver whenever
- silent - don't even show a notification
bellringer authentication
- request {"target": "user@system", "name": "Pizza Bell", "urgent": false}
- reply {"token": "bearer token"}
- Authorization: Bearer ...
- request credentials to access /send/ for a specific target
- must include if the bellringer plans to use urgent, allowing users to reject ringers with too-high priorities
- ringers without urgency will have their send priority capped to normal (until high is size safe)
- disable the account for the given auth token. users will still see this as a valid sender
bellringer acceptance
- request {"type": "group"} // user is the default
- reply {"pending": [{"name": "Pizza Bell", "urgent": false, "clientId": "asdf"}], "accepted": []}
- get a map all of all granted or pending auth requests
- body {"clientId": ""}
- can be used at any time, but only by group admins
- to avoid size analysis, all payloads will be padded to the maximum message size
- this should be done by senders, but we cannot control their behaviour
- to avoid time analysis, regular delivery of keepalive packets with enough differing command data should exist