iOS version : iOS 13 and above. Current version: 1.1.0
- Fixed Analytics events issues.
- Download the latest version of SolvvySDK from and extract the zip file.
- Go to your Project Inspector General tab and scroll down to where it says,
Embedded Binaries.
Click the + button and then Add Other. A Finder window will drop down, and here you need to select theSolvvySDK.framework
Following are the link to download earlier versions of Solvvy SDK
- 1.0.1 -
- 1.0.2 -
- 1.0.3 -
- 1.0.4 -
- 1.1.0 -
- Follow to install cocoapods.
- Open a terminal window, and $ cd into your project directory.
- Create a Podfile. This can be done by running $ pod init .
- In your Podfile, add the following
pod 'SolvvySDK', :git => ""
This will install the SDK supported for latest swift version. To install SDK for the previous swift version, point it to the appropriate branch as shown below. e.g.
pod 'SolvvySDK', :git => "", :branch => "swift_4.0.3"
- From the command line, run
pod install
. And use the.xcworkspace
file generated by CocoaPods to work on your project!
Following are the branch name to be specified in podfile to install SDK of specific swift versions :
for swift version 4.0.3swift_4.1.2
for swift version 4.1.2swift_4.2.1
for swift version 4.2.1swift_5.0
for swift version 5.0
Further, Create a new Run Script Phase
in your app’s target’s Build Phases
and paste the following snippet in the script text field:
This step is required to work around an App Store submission bug when archiving universal binaries.
import SolvvySDK
-> Add import statement at the top of your ViewController.swift file if the client application is in Swift.@import SolvvySDK;
-> Add import statement at the top of your ViewController.m file if the client application is in Objective-C.
To integrate the Solvvy Mobile SDK you will need the Api Key, Connector id and Org id. These can be obtained from the Solvvy Dashboard which can be found at You will have to login. After login, go to Profile Settings
which can be found at the right top under your username. You should find all this information under Profile Settings
If you have multiple orgs associated with you (typically when you have multiple Personas), the same information needs to be obtained for each org.
Keep this information handy. You will using it during the integration.
Create an instance of Persona
class and set your api key, org id and connector id. Create an instance of SolvvySDK
class, pass in the persona object to it like below and call startSolvvy
method by passing your current viewController.
Swift Code:
let singlePersona = Persona()
singlePersona.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
singlePersona.orgId = YOUR_ORG_ID
singlePersona.connectorId = "YOUR_CONNECTOR_ID"
let params = SolvvyParams()
params.personaOptions = [singlePersona]
let solvvySDKInstance = try? SolvvySDK(params: params)
solvvySDKInstance?.startSolvvy(fromViewController: self)
That's it! You are ready to test Solvvy SDK integration in your app.
To make the SDK screens look consistent with your app, you can modify the SolvvyAppearance
class and pass it to the startSolvvy
Swift Code:
class SolvvyAppearance {
var themeColor : UIColor
var backgroundColor : UIColor
var progressBarColor : UIColor
var navigationBarFontColor: UIColor
var fontFamilyName : String
eg. to change the background color, progress bar color, theme color, and font style using SolvvyAppearance
class. setNavigationBarTextColor
method is used to change the navigation bar text color.
let appearance = try? SolvvyAppearance(withBackgroundColor:, progressBarColor:, themeColor: UIColor.brown, fontFamilyName: "HelveticaNeue")
solvvyInstance.startSolvvy(fromViewController: self, withAppearance: appearance)
If you have multiple organizations, you have to create different personas. In the following example there are Student
and Instructor
Swift Code:
let student = Persona()
student.orgId = YOUR_ORG_ID
student.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
student.connectorId = "YOUR_CONNECTOR_ID"
student.buttonText = "Student"
let instructor = Persona()
instructor.orgId = YOUR_ORG_ID
instructor.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
instructor.connectorId = "YOUR_CONNECTOR_ID"
instructor.buttonText = "Instructor"
will have two options and rest of the code remains the same i.e.
let params = SolvvyParams()
params.personaOptions = [student, instructor]
let solvvySDKInstance = try? SolvvySDK(params: params)
solvvySDKInstance?.startSolvvy(fromViewController: self)
The SDK allows for additional information to be collected from the user along with their question. This information is collected in a form
shown to the user. What forms need to be displayed and what fields are in the forms should already have been configured for you by Solvvy in the backend. By default such information is collected in the Review tab along with the customer question.
But you may also control when such additional information is collected.
It maybe collected in the beginning (in the "Ask" tab) before the user has even entered her question. This is called "pre-question".
class contains instructionText
of type String
(header text), show
boolean variable (indicates whether to show preQuestionForm or not), fieldIdWhitelist
of type [String]
which accepts the whitelisted fieldIds. Any required properties which are not in the fieldIdWhiteList
will not be shown in the preQuestionForm
To do so
Swift Code:
let formSettings = FormSettings()
let preQuestionForm = PreQuestionForm() = true // default value: false
formSettings.preQuestionForm = preQuestionForm
params.formSettings = formSettings
Alternatively, additional information maybe collected in the "Review" tab but before contact options are presented. This is called "pre-contact".
Similar to PreQuestionForm
, PreContactForm
also contains instructionText
of type String
(header text), show
boolean variable (indicates whether to show preContactForm or not), fieldIdWhitelist
of type [String]
which accepts the whitelisted fieldIds. Any required properties which are not in the fieldIdWhiteList
will not be shown in the preContactForm
Swift Code:
let formSettings = FormSettings()
let preContactForm = PreContactForm() = true // default value: false
preContactForm.fieldIdWhitelist = [
] // whitelisted properties
preContactForm.instructionText = "We're committed to finding the answers you need as quickly as possible. Please tell us a little about what you need help with."
formSettings.preContactForm = preContactForm
params.formSettings = formSettings
You may have multiple different ticket forms to collect additional information from a user. Different strategies maybe followed to select which form should be shown to the user.
If one of the forms is marked as default it will be shown.
Alternatively, in the mobile SDK you can control which form is shown to the user. Obtain the form Id
for the corresponding form from your CRM and set it using the following code.
let formSettings = FormSettings()
formSettings.customTicketFormId = "your-ticket-form-id"
If a customTicketFormId
is set it takes precedence. Even if another form is marked as default, the form corresponding to customTicketFormId
is shown.
You can also give the choice to the user to select the form. This usually makes sense when the form names correspond to different categories of questions.
let formSettings = FormSettings()
formSettings.userSelectsForm = true
You may want to control what contact options are shown based on information collected from the user or any other context available to the integration code. For this implement a class that conforms to the SolvvySDKDelegate
protocol. This protocol has "hooks" or "callbacks" that are called at various stages in the SDK dialog flow. All methods are optional.
To control the list of contact options implement the getSupportOptions
Swift Code:
func getSupportOptions(forContext context: [String: Any]) -> [SupportOption] {
var supportOptions = [SupportOption]()
let emailOption = EmailOption()
let communityOption = CommunityOption(withCommunityLink: "YOUR_COMMUNITY_URL_STRING")
let chatOption = ChatOption()
supportOptions = [emailOption, communityOption, chatOption]
// for instance, if user types are Gold and Silver, and if you want to support phoneCallOption only for the Gold users
if let userType = context["userType"] as? String, userType == "Gold" {
let phoneCallOption = PhoneCallOption(withPhoneNumber: "9*********")
return supportOptions
Four kinds of contact options are currently supported by the SDK. They are "Submit a Ticket" (EmailOption
), "Chat" (ChatOption
), "Redirect to a web page" (CommunityOption
) and "Phone call" (PhoneOption
). The logic in getSupportOption
may return one or more of the contact options. It can also configure the options. For example, the phone number for premium customers maybe different from the others. You may also choose not to show a certain option bu not returning it in the list.
key in the context represents the user type selected, if there are multiple users.formIdSelected
key in the context contains the Id of the selected form.context
also contains the other keys which represents the property name and its value.
One of the contact options is Chat
, which allows the app to direct the user to chat with an agent. Solvvy Mobile SDK has an open architecture. Any chat SDK can be invoked from the chat contact option.
To show a support option to chat, ChatOption
should have been returned by getSupportOptions
for the configureChat
hook to be invoked.
Next, initialize and start the respective SDK in the configureChat
Swift Code:
solvvySDKInstance.delegate = self // your current view controller
func configureChat(withChatOption: ChatOption) {
// implementation to configure chat functionality goes here
Instead of the contact options discussed so far, you may want to show a different contact option such as a custom UI. This can be achieved by using the CustomContactOption
First, return the CustomContactOption
in the list of options returned by the getSupportOptions
method. You can control the icon shown on the custom contact option using the icon
Second, implement the configureCustomOption
method of the SolvvySDKDelegate
protocol. Similar to configureChat
you can add any code here to bring up whatever UI you would want to show the user.
func getSupportOptions(forContext context: [String: Any]) -> [SupportOption] {
var supportOptions = [SupportOption]()
let emailOption = EmailOption()
let communityOption = CommunityOption(withCommunityLink: "YOUR_COMMUNITY_URL_STRING")
let chatOption = ChatOption()
let customContactOption = CustomContactOption(withName: "YOUR_CUSTOM_CONTACT_OPTION_NAME", description: "DESCRIPTION")
// Ideal Image size for customContactOption icon is 60x60 pixels
customContactOption.icon = UIImage(named: "IMAGE_NAME")
supportOptions = [emailOption, communityOption, chatOption, customContactOption]
return supportOptions
func configureCustomOption(withCustomOption: CustomContactOption) {
// Bring up whatever UI you want to present to the user
also allows for the Review
tab to be completely skipped (i.e. Solvvy will not try to provide any answers) and go directly to the "Complete" tab. For example, in a form field the user has indicated his question is about refunds and you know from your analytics that such questions are hard to answer automatically. In this case implement the showQuestionSearch
method and return false
Swift Code:
func showQuestionSearch(forContext context: [String: Any]) -> Bool {
// Extract a form field that has question category in it
if let formId = context["formIdSelected"] as? String,
return false
return true
is a dictionary of type [String: Any] which may contain the default value for the properties like email
. This dictionary is passed to various methods such as getSupportOptions
Swift Code:
var initialContext = [String: Any]()
initialContext["email"] = ""
formSettings.initialContext = initialContext
The app may want to pass additional properties while submitting a ticket. Such properties may be be pre-populated (Ex. email if it is already known) or they may have to be provided by the user. If the app populates these fields, it can hide them from being shown to the user by passing them as a collection of propertyIds in hidePropertyList
. It is an array of type [String].
Note that the properties sent while submitting a ticket need to be configured already in the CRM and the propertyIds used in the initialContext
and hidePropertyList
are the same as in the CRM.
Swift Code:
formSettings.hidePropertyList = ["email", "subject","custom_303132"]
a boolean which indicates whether the app requires captcha support, which can be passed with FormSettings
formSettings.requireCaptcha = true // default value: true
is a boolean which indicates whether to support attachments in the ticket creation.
key should be present in the application info.plist to allow attachments support for photo and video.
formSettings.allowAttachments = true // default value: true
If __solvvy_magic_text_ignore_ticket
is included somewhere in the ticket description, the ticket will not be submitted to your CRM. The Solvvy backend will simply drop the ticket. This is useful while testing.
- Go into
Build Settings
-> At the top select All and Combined -> UnderBuild Options
, setAlways Embed Swift Standard Libraries
to Yes. @import SolvvySDK;
-> Add import statement at the top of your viewController.m file.
Persona *singlePersona = [[Persona alloc] initWithOrganisationId:YOUR_ORG_ID apiKey:@"YOUR_API_KEY" connectorIdForTicketCreation:@"YOUR_CONNECTOR_ID" buttonText:@""];
// setting preQuestionForm to false and preContactForm to true
FormSettings *formSettings = [[FormSettings alloc] init];
formSettings.preContactForm = [[PreContactForm alloc] initWithShow:false fieldIdWhitelist:@[] instructionText:@""];
formSettings.preQuestionForm = [[PreQuestionForm alloc] initWithShow:true fieldIdWhitelist:@[] instructionText:@""];
SolvvyParams *params = [[SolvvyParams alloc] initWithPersonaOptions:@[singlePersona] withFormSettings:formSettings];
SolvvySDK *instance = [[SolvvySDK alloc] initWithParams:params error:nil];
// conforming to SolvvySDKDelegate
instance.delegate = self;
[instance startSolvvyFromViewController:self withAppearance:nil];
Implementing getSupportOptions
SolvvySDKDelegate method.
- (NSArray<id<SupportOption>> *)getSupportOptionsForContext:(NSDictionary<NSString *,id> *)forContext {
NSMutableArray * supportOptions = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
ChatOption *chat = [[ChatOption alloc] init];
[supportOptions addObject:chat];
EmailOption *email = [[EmailOption alloc] init];
[supportOptions addObject:email];
return supportOptions;
- Go to your Project Inspector's General tab and scroll down to where it says, Embedded Binaries. Click the + button and then Add Other. A Finder window will drop down, and here you need to select the SolvvySDK.framework.
- Go into Build Settings -> At the top select All and Combined -> Under Build Options, set Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries to Yes.
- Native module is an Objective-C Solvvy class that implements the RCTBridgeModule protocol.
#import "React/RCTBridgeModule.h"
@interface Solvvy : NSObject <RCTBridgeModule>
- @import SolvvySDK; -> Add import statement at the top of your Solvvy.m file.
- In addition to RCTBridgeModule protocol, Solvvy class must also include the RCT_EXPORT_MODULE(). which takes an optional argument that specifies the name that the module will be accessible in JavaScript code.
- RCT_EXPORT_METHOD() will expose methods of Solvvy to javascript.
- Implement getSupportOptions SolvvySDKDelegate method.
@implementation Solvvy : NSObject
RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(helpButtonAction) {
Persona *singlePersona = [[Persona alloc] initWithOrganisationId:YOUR_ORG_ID
apiKey:@"YOUR_API_KEY" connectorIdForTicketCreation:@"YOUR_CONNECTOR_ID"
FormSettings *formSettings = [[FormSettings alloc] init];
formSettings.preContactForm = [[PreContactForm alloc] initWithShow:false
fieldIdWhitelist:@[] instructionText:@""];
formSettings.preQuestionForm = [[PreQuestionForm alloc] initWithShow:true
fieldIdWhitelist:@[] instructionText:@""];
formSettings.userSelectsForm = NO;
formSettings.allowAttachments = YES;
id objects[] = { @"" };
id keys[] = { @"email" };
NSUInteger count = sizeof(objects) / sizeof(id);
NSDictionary *initialContext = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:objects
formSettings.initialContext = initialContext;
SolvvyParams *params = [[SolvvyParams alloc]
initWithPersonaOptions:@[singlePersona] withFormSettings:formSettings];
SolvvySDK *instance = [[SolvvySDK alloc] initWithParams:params error:nil];
instance.delegate = self;
AppDelegate *delegate = (AppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication]
[instance startSolvvyFromViewController:delegate.window.rootViewController
import {NativeModules} from 'react-native'
const solvvy = NativeModules.Solvvy;
if (Platform.OS == 'ios') {
- You get an error like
this connector is not enabled for ticket submission...
. Please check to make sure theconnectorIdForTicketCreation
is configured correctly.
It is recommended that the Solvvy SDK is initialized (i.e. startSolvvy
is called) only when needed and not on every app startup. startSolvvy
is efficient, still initializing it every time the app starts up maybe an unnecessary drag on app startup time.