A decentralized hospitality exchange community app built with Solid Protocol.
Please read the SolidCouch Announcement.
This is a single page application written in React.
You need node v20. You can use nvm to switch to that particular version. You also need yarn.
Clone this repository on your computer
git clone https://github.com/solidcouch/solidcouch.git
Go to the project directory
cd solidcouch
Install dependencies
Run the app
yarn dev
You can also configure the app with environment variables, e.g.:
VITE_COMMUNITY="https://community.example/community#us" VITE_COMMUNITY_CONTAINER="community-example" yarn dev`
We use Cypress to test the application.
To start the tests, run yarn cy:dev
, wait a bit, and Cypress will open. Select "E2E tests" from the options, then pick your preferred browser (Electron and Chromium work, Firefox fails), and select a test suite to run.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Note: The logos, trademarks, and designs included in this repository are not covered by the MIT License. They are the property of their respective owners and may not be used without permission.