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The goal of immunotherapy is to demonstrate building a TensorFlow model in immunotherapy, based on peptide data.

This is based on the the original work by Leon Eyrich Jessen, and his blog post on RViews: “Deep Learning for Cancer Immunotherapy”


Packages for sequence logos and peptides


About peptides

From Wikipedia

Peptides (from Greek language πεπτός, peptós “digested”; derived from πέσσειν, péssein “to digest”) are short chains of amino acid monomers linked by peptide (amide) bonds.

The package PepTools is “An R-package for making immunoinformatics accessible”. For example, it exports a function pep_encode() to convert a peptide string, e.g. “LLTDAQRIV” into a numerical representation:

  library(PepTools, quietly = TRUE)
  library(magrittr, quietly = TRUE)

#' Use palette from ColorBrewer to recolour the image
#' @param x Matrix
#' @param palette ColorBrewer palette. This value is passed to [scales::col_numeric()]
#' @param zero_colour Colour to use for zero and NA values
#' @param invert If `TRUE`, inverts the colour scale
recolour <- function(x, palette = "Blues"){
  dims <- dim(x)
  col_range <- range(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  col_custom <- scales::col_numeric(
    palette = palette, domain = col_range
  as.raster(matrix(col_custom(x), nrow = dims[1], ncol = dims[2]))

# Plot peptide representation
plot_peptide <- function(x, palette = "Blues"){
  x %>% 
    pep_encode() %>%
    .[1, , ] %>% 
    recolour(palette = palette) %>% 
    rasterImage(0, 0, 1, 1, interpolate = FALSE)
  title(paste0("Peptide representation of ", x))


Beyond peptides (other practical application)

The machine learning task is quite simple, but also a good example of an extremely common modeling task:

  • Predict the class of an observation, based on some features of this observation
  • In the case of the peptides example, the observation is a text string, which is expanded into a 9x20 tensor, and the task is a ulti-class classification.

Many other problems are very similar, for example:

  • Binary classificiation of credit card default
  • Multi-class classification of images
  • Preduction of customer churn (binary class)

In the case of the peptides, the modeling task is very simple, allowing the focus on the overall production deployment process. In many real-world situations the modeling task is likely to be much more complex.


The objective is to create a TensorFlow model that can be called by user code. The user code sends a request as a peptide string and receives a response in the form of a data frame of predicted classes.

However, to achieve this, we need an intermediate function to translate the string into a peptide representation and a tensor of the shape that the model expects.

Deploying the model yourself

Then follow these steps:

  1. Ensure all the pre-requisites are in place
  • Ensure you have access to a RStudio Connect instance with permissions to publish APIs. The instance should be configured to run TensorFlow models.

  • Run the file 0_install_pre_reqs.R - this will install all the required packages, including keras, if not already installed.

  • Make sure you have established a connection to Connect

    • For example, deploy a test Shiny app
    • Specifically, the result of rsconnect::accounts() should not be empty
  1. Train the model

    • Run 1_train_model.R
    • This trains the TensorFlow model
  2. Publish the model to Connect

    • The model will be stored on Connect as a pin
    • See how in 2_publish_model.R
  3. Edit config.yml to add RStudio Connect URL and API Key

  4. Publish the plumber API to Connect

    • Run 3_publish_api.R
    • Change the content URL to be immuno_api (or something else)
    • Try to execute the model from the Swagger page
  5. Edit config.yml with content URL you chose if it's not immuno_api

  6. Consume the model

    • Open the file 4_consume_api.R
    • Run the code and watch the predictions flow in!


Using TensorFlow to model cancer immunotherapy






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