CAP STORAGE AWS is a module for Angular, with this module you could upload images to AWS S3 and use a list of the images that you have in your bucket.
write the following command:
npm install cap-storage-aws
For use this module go to app module and into the sections of import put the AWS module.
import { CapStorageAWS } from 'cap-storage-aws';
After that, add into modules' array with your credentials. Example:
bucket: 'your-bocket',
accessKeyId: 'your-accessKeyID',
secretAccessKey: 'your-secretAccessKey',
region: 'your-region',
folder: 'your-folder'
We recommend create a specific folder into your bucket for save your images. In your bucket go the section of permissions, after that, go to CORS configuration and write the following code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CORSConfiguration xmlns="">
If you want upload image, you should use the tag. This tag provide an html that include a button to select your image, a preview section of the image that you want to upload, a progress bar, and a button to upload the image.
But if you want you see your image like a list you could use the tag
Example of implementation
<h1>List of images</h1>
This module contains a storage service, this services expone a method to upload images and get the images of the bucket. Method getFiles Example to get images
constructor( private _fileUpload: StorageService ) {
ngOnInit() {}
this.images = this._fileUpload.getFiles();
Method upload The upload method receive 2 parameters: A file(image) to upload and a callback, this callback it's for the event On for know when the image upload it's complete.
upload(file:any, fn:any){