This repository is a basic Schematic implementation that serves as a starting point to create and publish Schematics to NPM.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
- Have an Angular app install npm 6.13.7
nmp install
- Node 10.6 to the current.
To run the schematic, execute the following command.
ng add cap-angular-schematic-bootstrap
The schematic will be configurated after you answer the following questions.
- What is the Boostrap version that you need install? : < 4.0.0 default > The Schematic check if Bootstrap is not configured in angular.json styles, if not install the specified package and update the angular.json, also add types for jquery and a plug-in for use jquery.
Touched files:
|-- package.json
|-- index.html
|-- angular.json
|-- webpack.server.config.js
angular 8
Software Allies - Software Allies
César Alonso Magaña Gavilanes -cesaralonso
MIT © Software Allies