CAP CONTENTFUL is a module for Angular
The version 1.0.0 for Angular 9. The version 0.1.7 for Angular 8.
npm install cap-angular-contentful
To use this module go to the app module and into the section's import and put the CapContentfulModule.
import { CapContentfulModule } from 'cap-angular-contentful'
configure into the import section
imports: [
space_id: '<your Contentful Space>',
environment: '<your Contentful Environment>'
delivery_accessToken: '<your Contentful Access Token>',
export class AppModule { }
Import the CapContentfulService service into your .ts file. Example
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { CapContentfulService } from 'cap-angular-contentful';
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']
export class AppComponent {
constructor(private contentful: CapContentfulService){
contentful.getElementsByContentType('person').subscribe(resp => {
console.log('resp: ', resp);
The module export the CapContentfulService service that allows you to use the followings methods:
getItems Return the items related with a specific content type Example:
contentful.getItems('person', 3, 2).subscribe( item => {
console.log('items with specify limit: ', item);
getItemById Return a specific item by Id Example:
contentful.getItemById('3K9b0esdy0q0yGqgW2g6Ke').subscribe(resp => {
console.log('getItemById: ', resp);
this.title = resp.fields.title; =
this.bodyD = resp.fields.body
this.description = resp.fields.description
this.heroImage = resp.fields.heroImage
this.publishDate = resp.fields.publishDate
this.slug = resp.fields.slug
this.tags = resp.fields.tags
getElementsByContentType Return a list of items related with a specific content type Example:
contentful.getElementsByContentType('person', 2, 2).subscribe(resp => {
console.log('getElementsByContentType: ', resp);
getAssets Return an item related with a specific assetId Example:
contentful.getAssets('6Od9v3wzLOysiMum0Wkmme').subscribe(resp => {
console.log('resp: ', resp);