The Vega Media info is a utility project to consolidate the information stored in media files. The information might be stored in an EXIF or IPTC block and is structured in different ways. The response from this tool will always be in the in the same format to simplify meta information extraction and inserts.
Calling the readMediaInfo method will return the following information about a file:
{ CreateDate: '2003-12-14T11:42:20.000Z', ModifyDate: '2003-12-14T11:42:20.000Z', Width: 2272, Height: 1704, Regions: [Face/Focus region information], Tags: [Image keywords and tags from different meta containers], Type: 'exifImage', Raw: [Full file meta info] }
This utility provides CRD methods to update the tags in a media file.
- addTag - Add a new tag to a file
- removeTag - Remove a tag from a file
- getTags - Return a list with tags for a file
The following dependencies are needed to be able to update the meta information
To read exif info from images.
sudo brew update
sudo brew install exiftool
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libimage-exiftool-perl
The exiftool is a great tool for extracting and updating the meta information in media files. But calling a third party tool from javascript is not best practice and quite sub optimal. But from version 1.3.0 the read operations are all native javascript. The image buffer is loaded once and there are a couple different tools responsible for extracting different parts of the meta information. The exiftool is only called when the media file is not recognized or when updating the meta information.
I am raised in an neighborhood close to Stockholm called Vega. This neighborhood is named after a Swedish exploratory ship which aimed to sail to the north pole. A nickname I got when I was little was 'Vega Mega'. This name popped up in my head when I needed this utility.