Survey to derive word norms in Dutch for various associations relating to real first names, fake company names, and nonwords. To be used for further analysis regarding sound symbolism in the Dutch language (see here)
Running the files in this repository requires both Python and PsychoPy to be installed. PsychoPy is an environment on top of Python that allows for the creation and subsequent running of (survey) experiments.
For running the final experiment, absolute paths in the following file will need to be adjusted: psychopy_experiments/final_experiment/final_survey_trials.xlsx
For running the .py files, the working directory needs to be set to the main folder of the repository.
Several of the raw data files have been excluded from the repository due to licensing regulations. Where possible, links have been provided to where the data was gathered from. For more: see the README in /stimuli_creation/data/raw/
Furthermore, several tools (e.g., the tools to create the bestworst trials) have been left out for similar reasons.
This is a project by the ODISSEI Social Data Science (SoDa) team. Do you have questions, suggestions, or remarks on the technical implementation? File an issue in the issue tracker or feel free to contact Aron Joosse, Erik-Jan van Kesteren, or Giovanni Cassani.