Foundry VTT Module. Help determine the difficulty of combat encounters using this benchmark method. Modeled after Sly Flourish's Lazy DM Prep, and detailed in The Lazy DM's Forge of Foes (, authored by Teos Abadia, Scott Fitzgerald, and Michael E. Shea.
A Deadly Encounter Benchmark is a guideline that helps determine an encounter's difficulty.
An encounter might be deadly if the sum total of monster challenge ratings is greater than:
- 1/4 of the sum total of character levels, for characters of 1st to 4th level;
- 1/2 of the sum total of character levels, for characters of 5th to 10th level;
- 3/4 of the sum total of character levels, for characters of 11th to 16th level;
- equal to the sum total of character levels, for characters 17th level or higher.
If friendly NPCs join the encounter, their CR values are added to the Deadly Encounter Benchmark.
A deadly encounter means:
- Most characters might lose more than half their hit points.
- Several characters might go unconscious.
- There’s a chance that one or more characters might die.
Once installed and actived, a Deadly Encounter Benchmark button will appear under the Token Controls menu. Click to activate.
- Updated for latest version of Foundry
v2.0.0 This is a major re-work of the module. Changes include:
- Module style updated to fit the DND5e 3.0.0 system release
- Module settings have been removed to simplify the module. Now, the module will only display the Deadly Encounter Benchmark dialog box
- Chat option has been removed
- Tool tip option has been removed. Instead, a tool tip will automatically display when hovering over the "Deadly," "Challenging","or "Not Deadly" text that explains the rating
- Outline option has been removed
- Module has been updated to reflect the recent changes to the Lazy Encounter Benchmark, as noted in The Forge of Foes ( authored by Teos Abadia, Scott Fitzgerald Gray, and Michael E. Shea.
- Updated to latest Foundry version
- removed the border around each token in the DEBM dialog
- Updated for v11
- Removed the "display as fraction" option. This is now the default
- Pop-up now displays selected token image. When hovered with mouse, will display the token CR or level
- Fixed an issue where Deadly Encounter Benchmark caused the AC in the default character sheet to change position and keep the tooltip up permanently when hovered over with mouse.
- Fixed a bug where Friendly NPC CR would not be added to the Deadly Encounter Benchmark if the "Display as fraction" option was enabled.
- Quick code fix
- Added a warning message if the "Display Token Outline" option is enable but Token Magic FX is not enable or not installed
- Refined the dialog pop-up display to be similar to ironmonk88's "Monks Little Details."
- Added a tooltip option to display a tooltip that helps explain the Deadly Encounter Benchmark calculation.
- Added an option to display the Deadly Encounter Benchmark as a chat message, rather than a pop-up dialog box.
- Added a settings menu
- Added an option to make all values under "1" show up as a fraction (similar to how CR is traditionally represented in 5e)
- Added an option to display a highlight around all selected tokens when the Deadly Encounter Benchmark is activated. This makes it a bit easier to see which tokens are included in the calculation. This can be slow if there are too many tokens selected. Recommended use only when a few tokens are selected. This option REQUIRES the Token Magic FX module to also be installed an activated.