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Connection testing for Snowplow destinations


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Conntest is a command-line utility for validating connections to Snowplow-supported destinations.


To check your database connection, run:

conntest check --dsn your://database/uri --retry-times 0 --tags 'aTag=value;anotherTag=value'


For Snowflake (success):-

conntest check --dsn snowflake:// --tags 'aTag=value'


For Snowflake (failure):-

conntest check --dsn snowflake:// --tags 'aTag=value'

{"id":"9ef56c9b-8f30-4ef3-8e6a-0b063e938ce4","name":"fabric:warehouse-connection-check","version":1,"emittedBy":"conntest","timestamp":"2024-04-08T11:45:38.086054+01:00","data":{"host":"","complete":false,"messages":["260008 (08004): failed to connect to db. verify account name is correct. HTTP: 403, URL:\u0026requestId=227cfd45-7335-44e1-6495-bfc57a0ca842\u0026request_guid=5b8b3eff-ee45-4c48-7498-e6b2ba707082"],"tags":{"aTag":"value"},"attempts":1}}

For BigQuery (success):-

conntest check --dsn bigquery://:@engineering-sandbox/testantonis_derived --retry-times 0 --tags 'aTag=value;anotherTag=value'


For BigQuery (failure):-

conntest check --dsn bigquery://:@engineering-sandbox/testantonis_invalid --retry-times 0 --tags 'aTag=value;anotherTag=value'

{"id":"e50cea6f-adc1-4399-af88-9e6d439f5f16","name":"fabric:warehouse-connection-check","version":1,"emittedBy":"conntest","timestamp":"2024-04-08T11:38:22.039055+01:00","data":{"host":"engineering-sandbox","complete":false,"messages":["googleapi: Error 404: Not found: Dataset engineering-sandbox:testantonis_invalid, notFound"],"tags":{"aTag":"value","anotherTag":"value"},"attempts":0}}


This repo uses nix to provide reproducible development environment. To make use of the provided setup:

  1. Install nix:
sh <(curl -L
  1. Enable experimental flags
mkdir -p ~/.config/nix && echo 'experimental-features = nix-command flakes' > ~/.config/nix/nix.conf
  1. Enter development environment
nix develop

Note If you want the convenience of getting the development environment upon cd into directory use direnv

  1. Develop
# format
go fmt ./...
# build
go build
# test
go test -v ./... -test.short
# test with integration tests
go test -v ./...

Copyright and license

Conntest is copyright 2022-2024 Snowplow Analytics Ltd.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.