Contains all of the Snowplow JavaScript Tracker assets.
To use the Snowplow JavaScript Tracker, we advise you host the sp.js asset on your own CDN or serve it from within your own web app, however these assets are available via the third party jsdelivr and cdnjs CDNs.
Add analytics to your websites and web apps with the Snowplow event tracker for JavaScript.
With this tracker you can collect user event data (page views, e-commerce transactions etc) from the client-side tier of your websites and web apps.
Available on the jsdelivr and cdnjs
The latest version is available here:
Technical Docs | Setup Guide |
Technical Docs | Setup Guide |
The Snowplow JavaScript Tracker is based on Anthon Pang's piwik.js, the JavaScript tracker for the open-source Piwik project, and is distributed under the same license (Simplified BSD).
Significant portions of the Snowplow JavaScript Tracker copyright 2010 Anthon Pang. Remainder copyright 2012-2021 Snowplow Analytics Ltd.
Licensed under the Simplified BSD license.