This is an initial attempt to provide support for RFC 8058 One-Click Unsubscribe to KMail.
This is still a work in progress, but appears to work. Sadly, One-Click Unsubscribe is difficult to meaningfully test.
This was built using Qt6 and the following KDE Frameworks:
- extra-cmake-modules
- KConfig
- KCoreAddons
- KGuiAddons
- KXmlGui
- KParts
Additionally, the following KDE PIM libraries are required:
- Libkdepim
- PimCommon
- Messagelib
This plugin is built using CMake.
$ cmake -Bbuild .
$ cmake --build build
$ cmake --install build
Once installed, the Unsubscribe button can be added to the KMail Toolbar by right clicking it and selecting "Configure Toolbars...".
See LICENSE.txt.