An efficient and scalable search engine for Wikipedia pages.
Consists of two main stages:
- Creation of inverted index
- Mechanism of query searches
Software optimized for search time, search relevancy, indexing time and indexing size.
- This file uses the wiki dump and generates the index files. While parsing the dump xml file using saxparser, it processes the content and writes inverted indexes. The files are created in blocks to satisfy memory constraints Run command:
$ python3 dump.xml <index_dir> <title_dir>
These index files are combined into 19382 sorted files to get the final index 3. This file contains the configs and tokens for the other files 4. This file takes in queries and runs search for them in the index. It tokenises the queries before performing binary searching on the sorted index to get the result Run command:
$ python3 queries_op.txt
The search engine is built by going through the following stages:
- XML Parsing
- Tokenization
- Case folding
- Stop words removal
- Stemming
- Inverted Index creation
- Optimization and query