MIDI Splitter Lite is a simple, lightweight program that splits tracks from a single MIDI file into their own seperate MIDI files.
This fork is focused on small features and quality of life changes i wanted to see in the original project such as sanitized track names to fix saving issues, color coded tracks and removing the prefix from saved midi files.
Click the "Browse" button next to the box labeled "MIDI File:" to open a MIDI file for splitting, or simply drag and drop a single MIDI file to open it for splitting as well.
Click the "Export" button next to the box labeled "Output Path:" and select the desired folder the MIDI tracks will be extracted to.
First Track Duplication: Opt to duplicate the initial track from the MIDI file onto all selected tracks for export. This feature is especially handy when the first track contains crucial setup information like tempo, which you might want to replicate across other tracks.
Track Name Reading: Enable the functionality to read and display names for every track within the MIDI file.
Instrument Name Reading: Enable the functionality to read and display the instrument assigned to every track within the MIDI file.
- Note: The tracks instrument is simply what it was assigned in the midi, it may be incorrect.
- Note: The tracks instrument is simply what it was assigned in the midi, it may be incorrect.
File Name Prefixing: Choose to prepend the original MIDI file's name to each track. This option is useful for maintaining a reference to the original file when working with multiple tracks.
Color-Coded Track Naming: Personalize your tracks by assigning specific colors to them. Simply input the desired names for your tracks (name1,name2,name3) and choose the color you want them to be.
Edit Track Names: Before splitting the tracks into individual tracks right click them to edit their names.
Remove Empty Tracks: Very simple system to remove any tracks that are under 105 in size.
- Note: Whenever options are changed, the midi file is reloaded.
- Note: Whenever options are changed, the midi file is reloaded.
Once the list is populated with tracks, select the track(s) you wish to be exported. To select multiple tracks, simply hold the CTRL key on your keyboard and left-click each track name in the list. You can also select all tracks in the list by pressing CTRL + A on your keyboard.
When finished selecting the desired track(s) to be exported, select the "Split track(s)" item under the File Menu to begin splitting the track(s) into their own seperate MIDI file.
- Only MIDIs created under the MIDI 1.0 specification are supported
- Only Format 1 MIDI files are supported
To learn more about the MIDI 1.0 specification, visit the links below:
- MIDI File Format Specifications: https://github.com/colxi/midi-parser-js/wiki/MIDI-File-Format-Specifications
- The MIDI File Format: http://www.personal.kent.edu/~sbirch/Music_Production/MP-II/MIDI/midi_file_format.htm
MIDI Splitter Lite utilizes the Knuth–Morris–Pratt search algorithm to read the names of the tracks in a MIDI file. More information about the KMP search algorithm is available in the links below:
- C# implementation of KMP algorithm: https://gist.github.com/Nabid/fde41e7c2b0b681ac674ccc93c1daeb1
- Searching for Patterns | Set 2 (KMP Algorithm): https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/searching-for-patterns-set-2-kmp-algorithm/
MIDI Splitter Lite utilizes David Gouveia's Midi Parser.