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Releases: smudge/nightlight

v0.3.0 - Codename "Beneath Bridges"

06 Apr 05:15
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(random codename generated here)

This adds toggle functionality to the CLI:

nightlight toggle

GNOME support is still intended, but I don't have access to a build system right now, so you'll want to use v0.2.0 for that. (It's highly experimental)

v0.2.0 - Codename "Garden GNOME"

22 Jun 04:17
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Experimental GNOME support (via GSettings)!

As this is still experimental, the README and branding will not change. Cross-system compatibility is being developed in the open but in "stealth mode."

v0.1.1 - Codename "Wanders Of Pigeon"

08 May 03:38
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(random codename generated here)

a homebrew release!

brew tap smudge/smudge
brew install nightlight

(also fixed some warnings and some memory leaks!!!! 😱 )

v0.1.0 - Codename "Metallic Meanings"

03 May 05:40
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(random codename generated here)

General API Improvements!

We're moving up a minor version, because much of the API (both CLI and lib) has been revamped!

Here's what the new usage output looks like:

nightlight v0.1.0
  A CLI for configuring 'Night Shift' on macOS 🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑

  nightlight [--help] <command> [<args>]

Available Commands By Category:

manual on/off control:
  on                      Turn Night Shift on (until scheduled stop)
  off                     Turn Night Shift off (until scheduled start)
  status                  View current on/off status

color temperature:
  temp                    View temperature preference
  temp <0-100>            Set temperature preference (does not affect on/off)

automated schedule:
  schedule                View the current schedule
  schedule start          Start schedule from sunset to sunrise
  schedule <from> <to>    Start a custom schedule (12 or 24-hour time format)
  schedule stop           Stop the current schedule

v0.0.7 - Codename "Spirited Storms"

01 May 04:29
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(random codename generated here)

Locale Handling

Time values now display in am/pm or 24-hour format depending on the macOS system locale settings.

v0.0.6 - Codename "Stinkies Harpoon"

01 May 04:33
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(random codename generated here)

Bug Fixes

  • Make nightlight status display time in a sane way. (e.g. instead of 6:0, print 6pm)
    • And more general improvements to the underlying representation of "Time"
  • Ensure that changing the schedule doesn't also change the on/off status.
    • This might be slightly controversial, but the annoyance of having to run a second command is greatly outweighed by the annoyance of changing the schedule in the middle of the night and having your laptop surprise you with a blue light attack.
    • This also means that if you mis-type the schedule, you won't get immediate feedback. But in an upcoming API redesign I'm aiming to give each subcommand a concise, useful output.

v0.0.5 - Codename "Dimmer Switch"

27 Apr 22:37
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Nothing changed, except the name! Everything is now nightlight, to avoid referencing trademarks. It's a common noun that is just as catchy 👍

v0.0.4 - Codename "Sails Of Reason"

27 Apr 00:33
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🤔 (random codename generated here)

nightshift schedule

A new command that allows for scheduling (or unscheduling) Night Shift.

Schedule from sunset to sunrise:

nightshift schedule

Set a custom schedule (in 12 or 24-hour time format):

nightshift schedule 19:45 6:00
nightshift schedule 7:45pm 6am

Disable the current schedule:

nightshift unschedule

This is the last remaining prerelease feature!

We are now "feature complete" as far as a 1.0.0 release is concerned.

So why is this still way down at 0.0.4? Here's what remains:

  • Test coverage (currently there is none)
  • API design improvements (I am still very much learning how to support idiomatic Rust 🦀)
  • Bug fixes
  • API documentation
  • Maybe a few nice-to-have features
  • Testing against a wide range of macOS versions

v0.0.3 - Codename "Padlock Holidays"

25 Apr 04:44
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🔒 (random codename generated here)

nightshift status

A new 'status' command that will tell you the underlying status of Night Shift:

$ nightshift status
=> sunset to sunrise
On Until Sunrise:
=> true
Color Temperature:
=> 89

Also supports custom schedules (mostly 😅):

$ nightshift status
=> custom
=> 20:0 to 6:0
On Until Tomorrow:
=> true
Color Temperature:
=> 89

Under the hood, a lot of lib refactoring has been done, which should make upcoming features easier to slot-in 👍

v0.0.2 - Codename "Crying Contentions"

22 Apr 05:04
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(random codename generated here)


Very little new for the CLI, but the lib has received a public API revamp.

enable(bool) is now on(), off(), and toggle(bool)

set_temp now accepts an integer rather than a number string