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This code takes a single DMN table as an input and converts it into Simala.


stack run

Input files must be in the following format, similar to that of a markdown table:

[Hit policy] (table_name) Arg1 (input, type) Arg2 (output, type)
1 "Input1" output1
2 "Input1" output2

table_name("Input1", variable_name)


  1. The hit policy is specified with a singular letter and must be one of the following listed here.
  2. Each arg must be specified to be
    • either an input/output
    • type - string, number (including int and double + ranges in the form >, <, and [55..67]), or bool
  3. There can be multiple inputs and outputs
  4. Null inputs must be represented as - or left blank.
  5. Function calls are in a prolog-style format, where outputs are treated as variables and can be reused if there are multiple calls
    • There should be a space between table declarations and function calls


function1(inputA, outputA)
function2 (outputA, outputB) // here outputA from function1 is used as an input for function2
  1. Comments can be added with //

Multiple tables

F (Play) outlook (input, string) temp(input, number) humidity (Input, number) windy (input, bool) golf (output, bool) swimming (output, number)
1 "sunny" >80 >85 - false 1
2 "overcast" true 1
3 "rain" - - true false 0
4 "rain" - - false true 0
5 "sunny" [71..80) (70..95] false 1
6 "sunny" <71 <=70 false true 1
U (which) golf (input, bool) swimming (input, number) choice (output, string)
1 - 1 "swimming"
2 true 0 "golf"
3 false 0 "stay at home"
F (wear_sunglasses) outlook (input, string) sport(input, string) sunglasses (output, bool)
1 "sunny" "golf" true
2 - false

Play("sunny", 75, 90, true, golf, swim)

which(golf, swim, choice)

wear_sunglasses("sunny", choice, sunglasses)

This translates to 3 function declarations, and 3 calls. The outputs of the first 2 tables are inputted into the last table through the use of the same variable names. In simala, this will be represented as:

#eval let
   Play = fun (input_Play) => 
      if   input_Play.outlook == 'sunny
        && input_Play.temp > 80
        && input_Play.humidity > 85
      then {golf = false,swimming = 1} 
        if   input_Play.outlook == 'overcast
        then {golf = true,swimming = 1} 
          if   input_Play.outlook == 'rain
            && input_Play.windy == true
          then {golf = false,swimming = 0} 
            if   input_Play.outlook == 'rain
              && input_Play.windy == false
            then {golf = true,swimming = 0} 
              if   input_Play.outlook == 'sunny
                && input_Play.temp >= 71
                && input_Play.temp < 80
                && input_Play.humidity > 70
                && input_Play.humidity <= 95
              then {golf = false,swimming = 1} 
                {golf = true,swimming = 1}
in let
   which = fun (input_which) => 
      if   input_which.swimming == 1
      then {choice = 'swimming} 
        if == true
          && input_which.swimming == 0
        then {choice = 'golf} 
          {choice = '`stay at home`}
in let
   wear_sunglasses = fun (input_wear_sunglasses) => 
      if   input_wear_sunglasses.outlook == 'sunny
        && == 'golf
      then {sunglasses = true} 
        {sunglasses = false}
in let
   r0 = Play({outlook = 'sunny,temp = 75,humidity = 90,windy = true})
in let
   golf =
in let
   swim = r0.swimming
in let
   r1 = which({golf = golf,swimming = swim})
in let
   choice = r1.choice
in wear_sunglasses({outlook = 'sunny,sport = choice})


A list of all transpilations and their current status

Target Input/Output Status
DMN (Markdown) Input Currently handles single-hit policies, with some translations to multi-hit policies.
XML Input In progress
Simala Output Unique, First, and Any hit policies. FEEL expressions are limited - Currently supports Number (Int and Double), String and Bool
Python Output Unique, First, Any, Collect, and Rule order hit policies. FEEL expressions are limited - Currently supports Number (Int and Double), String and Bool
JavaScipt Output Unique, First, Any, Collect, and Rule order hit policies. FEEL expressions are limited - Currently supports Number (Int and Double), String and Bool

Current Features:

  • Single tables
    • Handle multiple inputs/outputs
    • Feel expressions current accepted include: Bool, Number (Int and Double), and String
      • Numbers can be ranges such as: >, >=, <, <=, [55..67], (34..67), where square brackets represent inclusive values and round brackets represent exclusive values
    • Null inputs (in table declaration) can be represented as '-' or simply left blank; however inputs taken in during calls cannot have null inputs.
  • Multiple tables
    • Multiple tables can be connected to each other through function calls, where the overlapping columns must share the same variable name.
    • Each new table must be be separated by a line.
  • Multi-hit policies (such as collect and rule order) return lists in python and simala. Support for multi-hit policies in simala has not yet been added.
  • Type checking implemented for rule/function/table declaration, ensures that entries into columns match the type declared in the column header
    • Calls are also type checked

Incomplete features:

  • Type checking of hit policies to ensure:
    • No overlapping rules (eg for unique)
    • No recursion between rules
  • Limiting the inputs to be a specific range for a an argument
  • Addition of all possible feel expressions, including date, time, possibly functions?, lists? as seen in the drools documentation

Composed of:

1. Parsing from Markdown

Parser that takes markdown inputs and parses them to the data structure defined in Types.

Input form:

|F (PitchDecks)|stage (input, String)|sector (input, String)|stage_com (input, String)|has_ESG (input, Bool)|wants_ESG (input, Bool)|opinion (output, String)|
|1|"Seed"|"Information Technology"|"Pre-Revenue"|||"interesting"|
|2|"Series A"|"Information Technology"|"Pre-Profit"|||"interesting"|

PitchDecks("Seed", "Information Technology", "Pre-Profit", true, true, o)

// example of a comment

2. Type Checking and DMN data structure representation

Example of table parsed into DMN data structure representation, which can be found in Types.hs:

exampleParsed :: Decision
exampleParsed = Decision 
  {decisionOut = DecOutVar 
    {sDecVarName = "opinion"
    , sDecVarFEELType = "string"}
  , decisionInfoReq = [ReqInputEl {sReqInput = "stage"}
                      ,ReqInputEl {sReqInput = "sector"}
                      ,ReqInputEl {sReqInput = "stage_com"}
                      ,ReqInputEl {sReqInput = "has_ESG"}
                      ,ReqInputEl {sReqInput = "wants_ESG"}]
  , decisionLogic = DecTable 
  {hitPolicy = "F"
  , schema = Schema 
    {sInputSchemas = 
      [InputSchema {sInputSchemaId = "stage", inputExprFEELType = "string"}
      ,InputSchema {sInputSchemaId = "sector", inputExprFEELType = "string"}
      ,InputSchema {sInputSchemaId = "stage_com", inputExprFEELType = "string"}
      ,InputSchema {sInputSchemaId = "has_ESG", inputExprFEELType = "bool"}
      ,InputSchema {sInputSchemaId = "wants_ESG", inputExprFEELType = "bool"}]
    , sOutputSchema = OutputSchema 
      {sOutputSchemaVarName = "opinion", sOutputSchemaFEELType = "string"}}
    , rules = [Rule {ruleId = "rule1"
      , inputEntries = 
        [InputEntry {sInputEntryId = "stage", sMaybeCondition = Just (ConditionString "Seed")}
        ,InputEntry {sInputEntryId = "sector", sMaybeCondition = Just (ConditionString "Information Technology")}
        ,InputEntry {sInputEntryId = "stage_com", sMaybeCondition = Just (ConditionString "Pre-Revenue")}]
      , outputEntry = OutputEntry {sOutputId = "output", sExpr = "interesting"}}
    ,Rule {ruleId = "rule2"
      , inputEntries = 
        [InputEntry {sInputEntryId = "stage", sMaybeCondition = Just (ConditionString "Series A")}
        ,InputEntry {sInputEntryId = "sector", sMaybeCondition = Just (ConditionString "Information Technology")}
        ,InputEntry {sInputEntryId = "stage_com", sMaybeCondition = Just (ConditionString "Pre-Profit")}]
      , outputEntry = OutputEntry {sOutputId = "output", sExpr = "interesting"}}
    ,Rule {ruleId = "rule3"
      , inputEntries = [InputEntry {sInputEntryId = "stage", sMaybeCondition = Nothing}
        ,InputEntry {sInputEntryId = "sector", sMaybeCondition = Nothing},InputEntry {sInputEntryId = "stage_com", sMaybeCondition = Nothing}
        ,InputEntry {sInputEntryId = "has_ESG", sMaybeCondition = Just (ConditionBool True)}
        ,InputEntry {sInputEntryId = "wants_ESG", sMaybeCondition = Just (ConditionBool True)}]
      , outputEntry = OutputEntry {sOutputId = "output", sExpr = "interesting"}}
    ,Rule {ruleId = "rule4"
      , inputEntries = [InputEntry {sInputEntryId = "stage", sMaybeCondition = Nothing}
        ,InputEntry {sInputEntryId = "sector", sMaybeCondition = Nothing}
        ,InputEntry {sInputEntryId = "stage_com", sMaybeCondition = Nothing}
        ,InputEntry {sInputEntryId = "has_ESG", sMaybeCondition = Nothing}
        ,InputEntry {sInputEntryId = "wants_ESG", sMaybeCondition = Nothing}]
      , outputEntry = OutputEntry {sOutputId = "output", sExpr = "reject"}}]}}

The produced DMN data structure is then type checked.

The type checking covers:

  • Inputs matching with header types
  • Call arguments, including variables, matching with their respective columns

3. From XML - not currently implemented

4. Intermediate representation

This is then converted to an intermediate representation, found in ConvertDMN.hs.

exampleConverted :: CompiledRule
exampleConverted = MkCompiledRule (Func "opinion") [Arg "stage", Arg "sector", Arg "stage_com", Arg "has_ESG", Arg "wants_ESG"] 
            (And [ Equal (Var (Arg "stage")) (Const (String "Seed"))
                , Equal (Var (Arg "sector")) (Const (String "Information Technology"))
                , Equal (Var (Arg "stage_com")) (Const (String "Pre-Revenue"))
            (Return (String "interesting"))
            (Just (If 
                (And [ Equal (Var (Arg "stage")) (Const (String "Series A"))
                    , Equal (Var (Arg "sector")) (Const (String "Information Technology"))
                    , Equal (Var (Arg "stage_com")) (Const (String "Pre-Profit"))
                (Return (String "interesting"))
                (Just (If
                    (And [ Equal (Var (Arg "has_ESG")) (Const (Bool True))
                        , Equal (Var (Arg "wants_ESG")) (Const (Bool True))
                    (Return (String "interesting"))
                    (Just (Return (String "reject")))

5. Simala

The IR is then translated to the Simala AST.

   PitchDecks = fun (input_PitchDecks) => 
      if   input_PitchDecks.stage == 'Seed
        && input_PitchDecks.sector == '`Information Technology`
        && input_PitchDecks.stage_com == '`Pre-Revenue`
       then {opinion = 'interesting} 
        if   input_PitchDecks.stage == '`Series A`
          && input_PitchDecks.sector == '`Information Technology`
          && input_PitchDecks.stage_com == '`Pre-Profit`
         then {opinion = 'interesting} 
          if   input_PitchDecks.has_ESG == true
            && input_PitchDecks.wants_ESG == true
           then {opinion = 'interesting} 
            {opinion = 'reject}
in PitchDecks({stage = 'Seed, sector = '`Information Technology`, stage_com = 'Pre_Profit, has_ESG = true, wants_ESG = true})

Running this produces {opinion = 'interesting}

6. Python

The intermediate representation is pretty printed to python, where each decision represents one function.

def pitchdecks ( stage, sector, stage_com, has_esg, wants_esg ):
    if stage == 'Seed' and sector == 'Information Technology' and stage_com == 'Pre-Revenue' :
        return 'interesting'
        if stage == 'Series A' and sector == 'Information Technology' and stage_com == 'Pre-Profit' :
            return 'interesting'
            if has_esg == True and wants_esg == True :
                return 'interesting'
                return 'reject'
o = pitchdecks ( 'Seed', 'Information Technology', 'Pre-Profit', True, True )

7. Javascript

The same is done for javascript.

function pitchdecks(stage, sector, stage_com, has_esg, wants_esg) {
    if (stage === 'Seed' && sector === 'Information Technology' && stage_com === 'Pre-Revenue') {
        return 'interesting';
    } else if (stage === 'Series A' && sector === 'Information Technology' && stage_com === 'Pre-Profit') {
        return 'interesting';
    } else if (has_esg === true && wants_esg === true) {
        return 'interesting';
    } else {
        return 'reject';
let o = pitchdecks('Seed', 'Information Technology', 'Pre-Revenue', true, false);


This DMN representation uses a minimal version of the XML tags typically produced by DMN.

List of types in DMN:

  • Definitions: Overall DMN definitions, including metadata and a list of decisions. (currently not in use)
  • DecOutVar: Output variable of a decision.
  • Decision: Represents a single decision with various attributes.
  • DecTableOrLitExpr: Represents either a decision table or a literal expression. (currently only supports decision tables)
  • Schema: Represents input and output schemas of a decision table.
  • InputSchema: Schema of an input element, including id and type
  • OutputSchema: Schema of an output element, including id and type
  • InfoReq: An information requirement for a decision.
  • DMNRule: A single rule in a decision table.
  • InputEntry: Represents an input entry in an indivudual rule.
  • Condition: Represents a condition, which is a FEEL expression based on the OMG documentation
  • OutputEntry: Represents an output entry in an individual rule.

This version currently supports strings, bools, and integers.

Various Hit Policies

Single hit policies

Unique (U)

Inputs cannot overlap - Represented by nested ifs

U (pass) Mark (input, Number) Result (output, string)
1 >=50 "Pass"
2 <50 "Fail"

pass (50, result)

this will translate to a singular function and function call, which should return {result = pass}

First (F)

Outputs the first satisfied rule - Represented by nested ifs

Any (A)

Multiple rules can be satisfied BUT they must generate the same output - Represented by nested ifs.

A (probation_eg) Vacation Days (input, number) Probation (input, bool) Result (output, string)
1 0 - "refused"
2 - true "refused"
3 >0 false "accepted"

probation_eg (4, true, result)

Multiple hit policies

Rule Order (R)

Returns all in hit order (list) - Represented by initialising a list, and adding to it upon every hit.

  • eg if age > 18, returns: "Cars", "Videogames", "Toys"
R (advertise) Age (input, Number) To Advertise (output, string)
1 >18 "Cars"
2 >12 "Videogames"
3 - "Toys"

This would theoretically translate to in simala:

   advertising = fun (input_advertising) => 
      if   input_advertising.Age > 18
      then {`To Advertise` = {1 = 'Cars}} 
        if   input_advertising.Age > 12
        then {`To Advertise` = {2 = 'Videogames}} 
          {`To Advertise` = {3 = 'Toys}}
in advertising({Age = 13})

Collect (C)

Returns all in any order (list) - Represented by initialising a list, and adding to it upon every hit.



  • all are outputted as a number
  • therefore inputs must be a number too except for count
  1. Sum (sum of all output values): C+
  2. Min (smallest output value): C<
  3. Max (largest output value): C>
  4. Count (no. of outputs): C#


Decision Model & Notation to L4






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