This project is an experiment on representing the reference genome as a graph.
Nothing really interesting to see for now …
This project uses the omake
build-system, just run:
One can generate some very small test data files:
./plawireg generate test fasta mini-reference.fasta
./plawireg generate test dbsnp mini-dbsnp.vcf
and run some stuff:
./plawireg test-load all 6 mini-reference.fasta mini-dbsnp.vcf
You can make things more verbose:
VERBOSE=true ./plawireg test-load all 6 mini-reference.fasta mini-dbsnp.vcf
Or ask for “linux-only” memory-usage stats along the way:
./plawireg test-load all 6 mini-reference.fasta mini-dbsnp.vcf memory-stats
The test dumps a
file that one can observe:
dot -Tpng -O
It should give something like this: