field [options] [args] select and output fields from each record of stdin args: - 1-arg: field [options] <rangelist> - 2-arg: field [non-field opts] <indelim> <rangelist> - 3-arg: field [non-field opts] <indelim> <outdelim> <rangelist> - if -r/--regex, indelim is a python regular expression - field and record delimiters can also be given as options - fixed delimiters are python string literals - regex delimiters are python raw strings fields: - defaults to whitespace: 'bytes.split(sep=None)' - if supplied as $1, uses 'bytes.split(sep="$1")' - if '-r', uses 're.split(r'$1')' - if '-i <value>', uses 'bytes.split(sep="<value>")' - if '-F <value>', uses 're.split(r"<value>")' - if $IFS set, splits on its chars: 're.split(f"[{getenv(IFS)}]+")' - if '-e', all empty fields are discarded - if '-G', only leading or trailing blank fields are discarded records: - defaults to newline: 'bytes.split(sep="\n")' - if '-I <value>', uses 'bytes.split(sep="<value>")' - if '-R <value>', uses 're.split(r"<value>")' - if '-E', empty records in input are discarded - if '-N', trailing separator on last record not emitted - processes input as bytes, in chunks of io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE - chunk size overridden with '-b/--bsz' (optional k or m suffix) outdelims: - fields default to space, ie '\x20', or via $2, or via -o/--ofs - records default to newline, ie '\n', or via -O/--ors rangelist: - specifier is a comma separated list of ranges - ranges are either single numbers or first-last sequences - unspecified Y in X-Y will default to highest Y in the input - if first field in range greater than than last, print reversed - if any specified fields do not exist in the record, skip them - field '0' is the same as all fields (range '1-') range: N: just field number N (1 is first) -N: just field Nth from the end (-1 is last) N-M: fields N through M (M > N) N-M: fields M through N, backwards (N > M) N-: fields N through the end -N-: fields from Nth from the end, through the end N--M: fields N through Mth from end -N--M: fields Nth from the end through Mth from the end examples: "echo one two three four five | field 2 -> "two" "echo one two three four five | field -2" -> "four" "echo one two three four five | field 2-4" -> "two three four" "echo one two three four five | field 4-2" -> "four three two" "echo one two three four five | field 3-" -> "three four five" "echo one two three four five | field -2-" -> "four five" "echo one two three | field 1,0" -> "one one two three" "echo {1..12} | field -8--10" -> "5 4 3" "echo {1..12} | field -8--15" -> "5 4 3 2 1" "echo {1..12} | field 3--15" -> "3 2 1" "echo {1..12} | field 1-3,-1--2,8,8,10-,-2" -> "1 2 3 12 11 8 8 10 11 12 11" todo: - read from files given as additional arguments - /R/-/S/: starting with /R/ and ending with /S/ - specify record selection criteria (pattern) - field reformatting, eg wrapping, fit in column or on page - args like -g columnate_group - different behaviors for range overlaps (set union, addition) - way to disinclude fields ("all fields except...") - multiple delimiters, maybe a -i and -d possible for every -f - multiple delimiters, as in multiple patterns will serve as one - implement a "record" in terms of "field?" - flag to discard empty records in output (no non-empty fields)
-h, --help show this help message and exit -F IFSRE, --ifsre IFSRE input field separator as python regex -R IRSRE, --irsre IRSRE input record separator as python regex -i IFS, --ifs IFS input field separator as python string -I IRS, --irs IRS input record separator as python string -o OFS, --ofs OFS output field separator string -O ORS, --ors ORS output record separator string -b BSZ, --bsz BSZ bytes per read, optional m or k suffix -0, --null irs is a '\0' char -z, --zero ors is a '\0' char -r, --regex positional ifs is a python regex -G, --noedges discard initial or trailing empty fields -e, --noempty discard empty fields within a record -E, --noblanks discard blank records with no fields -N, --noendrec skip ors after last record was emitted -l, --flushrecs do individual writes every record