GoSlow is combination of multiple packages that each represent popular algorithms and data structures. The goal of this project is to provide a simple and easy to use library for learning and teaching purposes.
import "github.com/smekuria1/GoSlow/binarysearchtree"
bst := binarysearchtree.NewBST[int]()
import "github.com/smekuria1/GoSlow/darray"
dynamicarray := darray.NewDynamicArray[int]()
import "github.com/smekuria1/GoSlow/doublyLinkedList"
dll := doublyLinkedList.NewDoublyLinkedList[int]()
import "github.com/smekuria1/GoSlow/hashtable"
ht := hashtable.NewHashTable[int, int](10, 0.75)
import "github.com/smekuria1/GoSlow/priorityqueue"
pq := priorityqueue.NewBinaryHeapPQ[int]()
import "github.com/smekuria1/GoSlow/queue"
q := queue.NewQueue[int]()
import "github.com/smekuria1/GoSlow/stack"
s := stack.NewStack[int]()
import "github.com/smekuria1/GoSlow/unionfind"
uf := unionfind.NewUnionFind[int](11)
import "github.com/smekuria1/GoSlow/singlyLinkedList"
sl := singlyLinkedList.NewSinglyLinkedList[int]()
To run tests for all packages, run the following command in root folder
go test ./...
To run tests for specific packages, run the following command
cd <package name>
go test
For support, email solmek18@gmail.com or create and issue/pr.
I love golang and wanted to excercise my golang muscles while learning about cool data structures and algos.
Additional Data Structures and Algos like AVL Trees, Fenwick Trees ....
Build Either a CLI or small web app to visually interact with the implementations
General improvements to some of the implementations and better error handling