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Releases: smartcontractkit/chainlink-local


10 Dec 20:10
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v0.2.4-beta Pre-release

chainlink local logo

v0.2.4-beta Release - 10 December 2024

This release adds full support for Chainlink Data Streams including a helper GenerateMockReports off-chain component to mock the generation of unverified reports by Data Streams DON, used in local no-fork mode only. For forked mode you will need reports actually came from Data Streams DON, using data-streams-sdk for example.



Package Version
@chainlink/contracts-ccip 1.5.1-beta.0
@chainlink/contracts 1.1.1
  • Chainlink CCIP
  • Chainlink CCIP v1.5
  • Chainlink Data Feeds
  • Chainlink Data Streams
  • Chainlink Automation
  • Chainlink VRF 2
  • Chainlink VRF 2.5


  • Added full support for Data Streams by adding DataStreamsLocalSimulator.sol
    (Foundry/Hardhat/Remix IDE local mode), DataStreamsLocalSimulatorFork.sol
    (Foundry forked mode), DataStreamsLocalSimulatorFork.js (Hardhat forked
    mode) and MockReportGenerator.sol & MockReportGenerator.js to mock
    generating unverified reports by Data Streams DON for local modes in Foundry
    and Hardhat respectively.

Basic usage

Here's how you can test and simulate locally the basic Data Streams example from the Chainlink Official Documentation.


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

import {Test, console2} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {
} from "@chainlink/local/src/data-streams/DataStreamsLocalSimulator.sol";
import {MockReportGenerator} from "@chainlink/local/src/data-streams/MockReportGenerator.sol";

import {ClientReportsVerifier} from "../../../src/test/data-streams/ClientReportsVerifier.sol";

contract ClientReportsVerifierTest is Test {
    DataStreamsLocalSimulator public dataStreamsLocalSimulator;
    MockReportGenerator public mockReportGenerator;

    ClientReportsVerifier public consumer;
    int192 initialPrice;

    function setUp() public {
        dataStreamsLocalSimulator = new DataStreamsLocalSimulator();
        (,,, MockVerifierProxy mockVerifierProxy_,,) = dataStreamsLocalSimulator.configuration();

        initialPrice = 1 ether;
        mockReportGenerator = new MockReportGenerator(initialPrice);

        consumer = new ClientReportsVerifier(address(mockVerifierProxy_));

    function test_smoke() public {
        mockReportGenerator.updateFees(1 ether, 0.5 ether);
        bytes memory signedReportV3 = mockReportGenerator.generateReportV3();

        dataStreamsLocalSimulator.requestLinkFromFaucet(address(consumer), 1 ether);


        int192 lastDecodedPrice = consumer.lastDecodedPrice();
        assertEq(lastDecodedPrice, initialPrice);


import { loadFixture } from "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox/network-helpers";
import { ethers } from "hardhat";
import { assert } from "chai";
import { MockReportGenerator } from "@chainlink/local/scripts/data-streams/MockReportGenerator";

describe("ClientReportsVerifier", function () {

    async function deploy() {
        const localSimulatorFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory("DataStreamsLocalSimulator");
        const localSimulator = await localSimulatorFactory.deploy();

        const config: {
            wrappedNative_: string;
            linkToken_: string;
            mockVerifier_: string;
            mockVerifierProxy_: string;
            mockFeeManager_: string;
            mockRewardManager_: string;
        } = await localSimulator.configuration();

        const initialPrice = ethers.parseEther("1");
        const mockReportGenerator = new MockReportGenerator(initialPrice);

        const consumerFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory("ClientReportsVerifier");
        const consumer = await consumerFactory.deploy(config.mockVerifierProxy_);

        await mockReportGenerator.updateFees(ethers.parseEther("1"), ethers.parseEther("0.5"));

        await localSimulator.requestLinkFromFaucet(, ethers.parseEther("1"));

        // const mockFeeManager = await ethers.getContractAt("MockFeeManager", config.mockFeeManager_);
        // await mockFeeManager.setMockDiscount(, ethers.parseEther("1")); // 1e18 => 100% discount on fees

        return { consumer, initialPrice, mockReportGenerator };

    it("should verify Data Streams report", async function () {
        const { consumer, initialPrice, mockReportGenerator } = await loadFixture(deploy);

        const unverifiedReport = await mockReportGenerator.generateReportV3();

        await consumer.verifyReport(unverifiedReport);

        const lastDecodedPrice = await consumer.lastDecodedPrice();
        assert(lastDecodedPrice === initialPrice);

Testing the release

To test this release install @chainlink-local using the following commands:

Foundry (git)

forge install smartcontractkit/chainlink-local@v0.2.4-beta

and then set remappings to: @chainlink/local/=lib/chainlink-local/ in either remappings.txt or foundry.toml file

Hardhat (npm)

npm install @chainlink/local@v0.2.4-beta

and then create the following contract and compile it:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

import {DataStreamsLocalSimulator} from "@chainlink/local/src/data-streams/DataStreamsLocalSimulator.sol";

Remix IDE

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

import {DataStreamsLocalSimulator} from "";

PRs included

Full Changelog: v0.2.3...v0.2.4-beta


30 Nov 02:39
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chainlink local logo

v0.2.3 Release - 30 November 2024

This release adds support for EVMExtraArgsV2 and OZ's AccessControl to CCIPLocalSimulator.sol (no-fork local mode)



Package Version
@chainlink/contracts-ccip 1.5.1-beta.0
@chainlink/contracts 1.1.1
  • Chainlink CCIP
  • Chainlink CCIP v1.5
  • Chainlink Data Feeds
  • Chainlink Automation
  • Chainlink VRF 2
  • Chainlink VRF 2.5


  • Added supportNewTokenViaAccessControlDefaultAdmin function to CCIPLocalSimulator.sol
  • Bumped @chainlink/contracts-ccip to 1.5.1-beta.0 to reflect new changes in the CCIP TokenPool.sol smart contract (check CCIPv1_5BurnMintPoolFork.t.sol and CCIPv1_5LockReleasePoolFork.t.sol tests) and to support EVMExtraArgsV2 in MockCCIPRouter.sol

Basic usage

pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {MockERC20BurnAndMintToken} from "../src/MockERC20BurnAndMintToken.sol";
import {CCIPLocalSimulator} from "@chainlink/local/src/ccip/CCIPLocalSimulator.sol";

contract MockERC20BurnAndMintTokenTest is Test {
    CCIPLocalSimulator public ccipLocalSimulator;

    MockERC20BurnAndMintToken public token;

    function setUp() public {
        token = new MockERC20BurnAndMintToken();
        ccipLocalSimulator = new CCIPLocalSimulator();

    function test_smoke() public {

Testing the release

To test this release install @chainlink-local using the following commands:

Foundry (git)

forge install smartcontractkit/chainlink-local@v0.2.3

and then set remappings to: @chainlink/local/=lib/chainlink-local/ in either remappings.txt or foundry.toml file

Hardhat (npm)

npm install @chainlink/local@v0.2.3

and then create the following contract and compile it:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.24;

import {CCIPLocalSimulator} from "@chainlink/local/src/ccip/CCIPLocalSimulator.sol";

Remix IDE

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.24;

import {CCIPLocalSimulator} from "";

PRs included

  • Support EVMExtraArgsV2 and OZ's AccessControl in CCIPLocalSimulator by @andrejrakic in #26

Full Changelog: v0.2.2...v0.2.3


15 Oct 12:00
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chainlink local logo

v0.2.2 Release - 15 October 2024

This release adds support for CCIP v1.5 to Chainlink Local



Package Version
@chainlink/contracts-ccip 1.5.0
@chainlink/contracts 1.1.1


  • Chainlink CCIP
  • Chainlink CCIP v1.5
  • Chainlink Data Feeds
  • Chainlink Automation
  • Chainlink VRF 2
  • Chainlink VRF 2.5


  • Support for Chainlink CCIP v1.5 (bumped @chainlink/contracts-ccip to
  • Added CCIP v1.5 config details to Register.sol for all available testnet
  • Set EVM Version strictly to paris for all contracts
  • Added supportNewTokenViaOwner and supportNewTokenViaGetCCIPAdmin functions
    to CCIPLocalSimulator.sol instead of supportNewToken function
  • Added rmnProxyAddress, tokenAdminRegistryAddress and
    registryModuleOwnerCustomAddress to the NetworkDetails struct of the
    Register.sol smart contract
  • Added unit tests for new functions in the CCIPLocalSimulator.sol contract
  • Added e2e test for new changes in the CCIPLocalSimulatorFork.sol contract.
    There is a test with ERC-20 token with an owner() function implemented and
    Burn & Mint Pool, and test with ERC-20 token with a getCCIPAdmin() function
    implemented and Lock & Release Pool
  • Genereted new docs artifacts


  • Bumped Solidity compiler version from 0.8.19 to 0.8.24
  • The getSupportedTokens() function now only exists in the
    CCIPLocalSimulator.sol contract, it has been removed from the CCIP's
    Router.sol contract. Calling that function from the Router.sol contract in
    the Forking mode will now revert
  • Added uint32[] memory tokenGasOverrides as function parameter to the
    executeSingleMessage function in the CCIPLocalSimulatorFork.sol contract
    to reflect new changes in the CCIP's EVM2EVMOffRamp.sol smart contract
  • Bumped pragma solidity version of BasicTokenSender.sol,
    CCIPReceiver_Unsafe.sol, ProgrammableTokenTransfers and
    ProgrammableDefensiveTokenTransfers.sol contracts from the src/test folder
    from 0.8.19 to 0.8.24


  • Removed supportNewToken function from CCIPLocalSimulator.sol
  • Removed CCIPLocalSimulatorV0.sol and MockEvm2EvmOffRamp.sol contracts as
    they have not being used for a while
  • Removed file since the official documentation is now
    available at
  • Removed remix-001.png and remix-002.png images from the assets folder,
    because they are no longer needed

Testing the release

To test this release install @chainlink-local using the following commands:

Foundry (git)

forge install smartcontractkit/chainlink-local@v0.2.2

and then set remappings to: @chainlink/local/=lib/chainlink-local/ in either remappings.txt or foundry.toml file

Hardhat (npm)

npm install @chainlink/local@v0.2.2

and then create the following contract and compile it:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.24;

import {CCIPLocalSimulator} from "@chainlink/local/src/ccip/CCIPLocalSimulator.sol";

Remix IDE

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.24;

import {CCIPLocalSimulator} from "";

PRs included

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.2.1...v0.2.2


10 Oct 10:38
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v0.2.2-beta.1 Pre-release

chainlink local logo

v0.2.2-beta.1 Release

This release bumps the version of @chainlink/contracts-ccip package to 1.5.0-beta.1 for testing purposes and fixes a bug in the CCIPLocalSimulatorFork contract.


  • Bumped the version of @chainlink/contracts-ccip NPM package to 1.5.0-beta.1 to test that release
  • Fixed the bug in the CCIPLocalSimulatorFork.sol where the switchChainAndRouteMessage function was used the outdated EVM2EVMOffRamp contract
  • Genereted new docs artifacts

Testing the release

To test this release install @chainlink-local using the following commands:

Foundry (git)

forge install smartcontractkit/chainlink-local@v0.2.2-beta.1

and then set remappings to: @chainlink/local/=lib/chainlink-local/ in either remappings.txt or foundry.toml file

Hardhat (npm)

npm install @chainlink/local@v0.2.2-beta.1

and then create the following contract and compile it:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.24;

import {CCIPLocalSimulator} from "@chainlink/local/src/ccip/CCIPLocalSimulator.sol";

Remix IDE

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.24;

import {CCIPLocalSimulator} from "";

PRs included

Full Changelog: v0.2.2-beta.0...v0.2.2-beta.1


04 Oct 16:47
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v0.2.2-beta.0 Pre-release

chainlink local logo

v0.2.2-beta.0 Release

This release adds config details to the Register.sol for all CCIP v1.5 testnet lanes.


  • Added CCIP v1.5 config details to Register.sol for all available testnet lanes

Testing the release

To test this release install @chainlink-local using the following commands:

Foundry (git)

forge install smartcontractkit/chainlink-local@v0.2.2-beta.0

and then set remappings to: @chainlink/local/=lib/chainlink-local/ in either remappings.txt or foundry.toml file

Hardhat (npm)

npm install @chainlink/local@v0.2.2-beta.0

and then create the following contract and compile it:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.24;

import {CCIPLocalSimulator} from "@chainlink/local/src/ccip/CCIPLocalSimulator.sol";

Remix IDE

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.24;

import {CCIPLocalSimulator} from "";

PRs included

Full Changelog: v0.2.2-beta...v0.2.2-beta.0


12 Sep 11:58
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v0.2.2-beta Pre-release

v0.2.2-beta Release

This release adds a tentative support for CCIP v1.5.


  • Support for Chainlink CCIP v1.5 (bumped @chainlink/contracts-ccip to
  • Set EVM Version strictly to paris for all contracts
  • Added supportNewTokenViaOwner and supportNewTokenViaGetCCIPAdmin functions
    to CCIPLocalSimulator.sol instead of supportNewToken function
  • Added rmnProxyAddress, tokenAdminRegistryAddress and
    registryModuleOwnerCustomAddress to the NetworkDetails struct of the
    Register.sol smart contract
  • Added unit tests for new functions in the CCIPLocalSimulator.sol contract
  • Added e2e test for new changes in the CCIPLocalSimulatorFork.sol contract.
    There is a test with ERC-20 token with an owner() function implemented and
    Burn & Mint Pool, and test with ERC-20 token with a getCCIPAdmin() function
    implemented and Lock & Release Pool


  • Bumped Solidity compiler version from 0.8.19 to 0.8.24
  • The getSupportedTokens() function now only exists in the
    CCIPLocalSimulator.sol contract, it has been removed from the CCIP's
    Router.sol contract. Calling that function from the Router.sol contract in
    the Forking mode will now revert
  • Added uint32[] memory tokenGasOverrides as function parameter to the
    executeSingleMessage function in the CCIPLocalSimulatorFork.sol contract
    to reflect new changes in the CCIP's EVM2EVMOffRamp.sol smart contract
  • Bumped pragma solidity version of BasicTokenSender.sol,
    CCIPReceiver_Unsafe.sol, ProgrammableTokenTransfers and
    ProgrammableDefensiveTokenTransfers.sol contracts from the src/test folder
    from 0.8.19 to 0.8.24


  • Removed supportNewToken function from CCIPLocalSimulator.sol
  • Removed CCIPLocalSimulatorV0.sol and MockEvm2EvmOffRamp.sol contracts as
    they have not being used for a while

Testing the release

To test this release install @chainlink-local using the following commands:

Foundry (git)

forge install smartcontractkit/chainlink-local@v0.2.2-beta

and then set remappings to: @chainlink/local/=lib/chainlink-local/ in either remappings.txt or foundry.toml file

Hardhat (npm)

npm install @chainlink/local@v0.2.2-beta

and then create the following contract and compile it:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.24;

import {CCIPLocalSimulator} from "@chainlink/local/src/ccip/CCIPLocalSimulator.sol";

Remix IDE

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.24;

import {CCIPLocalSimulator} from "";

PRs included

  • Automated API Reference Generation and Index File Creation by @aelmanaa in #14
  • Support for CCIP v1.5 and preparing for 0.2.2-beta release by @andrejrakic in #19

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.2.1...v0.2.2-beta


05 Jul 11:31
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v0.2.1 Release - 5 July 2024

This release adds support for Chainlink Data Feeds to Chainlink Local.

Documentation for this release is available at:

Testing the release

To test this release install @chainlink-local using the following commands:

Foundry (git)

forge install smartcontractkit/chainlink-local@v0.2.1

and then set remappings to: @chainlink/local/=lib/chainlink-local/ in either remappings.txt or foundry.toml file

Hardhat (npm)

npm install @chainlink/local@v0.2.1

and then create the following contract and compile it:

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import {MockV3Aggregator} from "@chainlink/local/src/data-feeds/MockV3Aggregator.sol";

Remix IDE

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import {MockV3Aggregator} from "";



Package Version
@chainlink/contracts-ccip 1.4.0
@chainlink/contracts 1.1.1


  • Chainlink CCIP
  • Chainlink Data Feeds
  • Chainlink VRF 2
  • Chainlink VRF 2.5


  • Support for Chainlink Data Feeds by adding MockV3Aggregator.sol and MockOffchainAggregator.sol mock contracts
  • Showcase tests for testing in a forking actual networks environment


26 Jun 21:18
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v0.2.1-beta Pre-release

v0.2.1-beta Release

This release fixes bugs from the v0.2.0-beta release that added support for Chainlink Data Feeds to Chainlink Local.

Documentation for this release is available at:

Testing the release

To test this release install @chainlink-local using the following commands:

Foundry (git)

forge install smartcontractkit/chainlink-local@v0.2.1-beta

and then set remappings to: @chainlink/local/=lib/chainlink-local/ in either remappings.txt or foundry.toml file

Hardhat (npm)

npm install @chainlink/local@v0.2.1-beta

and then create the following contract and compile it:

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import {MockV3Aggregator} from "@chainlink/local/src/data-feeds/MockV3Aggregator.sol";

Remix IDE

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import {MockV3Aggregator} from "";

Full Changelog: v0.2.0-beta...v0.2.1-beta


24 Jun 20:24
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v0.2.0-beta Pre-release

v0.2.0-beta Release

This release adds support for Chainlink Data Feeds to Chainlink Local.

Testing the release

To test this release install @chainlink-local using the following commands:

Foundry (git)

forge install smartcontractkit/chainlink-local@v0.2.0-beta

and then set remappings to: @chainlink/local/=lib/chainlink-local/ in either remappings.txt or foundry.toml file

Hardhat (npm)

npm install @chainlink/local@v0.2.0-beta

and then create the following contract and compile it:

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import {MockV3Aggregator} from "@chainlink/local/src/data-feeds/MockV3Aggregator.sol";

Remix IDE

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import {MockV3Aggregator} from "";

Initial release of the project

03 Jun 12:41
Choose a tag to compare

Developers Can Get Started in Seconds Using the CCIP Local Simulator

We’re excited to announce that the Chainlink Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) has officially entered general availability (GA)!

We believe that enabling developers to build quicker helps the entire ecosystem grow faster. That’s why we’ve also developed a simulator that allows you to build with CCIP on your local machine directly in Remix IDE, Hardhat or Anvil (Foundry).

Previously, developers had to build with CCIP directly on a testnet, which often meant having to wait 10+ minutes just to test a single cross-chain message or token transfer. In this initial simulator version, you can now build, deploy, and execute CCIP token transfers and arbitrary messages on a local Remix, Hardhat or Anvil (Foundry) network, both with and without forking. This greatly speeds up development, as CCIP messaging and token transfer transaction times have now been reduced to seconds.

Read more at the blog post here and watch the 5-minute live presentation of Chainlink Local here.