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KDE pinch to zoom on Wayland

Working example, how to enable pinch-to-zoom in popular Linux distro.


This example based on two packages: well known in Xorg touchegg and started in 2022 dotool. The dotool help us with pinch move on Wayland.


Add current user to input group

sudo usermod -a -G input $USER

and then it's foolproof to reboot to make the group and rule effective

Install touchegg


dnf install touchegg


zypper install touchegg


urpmi touchegg

Install dotool

See instructions here: dotool from Open Build Service or install from Fedora copr.

Post install (run as user)

Enable and start touchegg service

sudo systemctl --now enable touchegg.service

On Fedora, Mageia post install command udevadm run automatically

sudo udevadm control --reload && sudo udevadm trigger

Enable and start dotoold service for your current user

systemctl --user --now enable dotoold.service


Configure touchegg

Copy touchegg.conf to current user's config directory

cp /usr/share/touchegg/touchegg.conf ~/.config/touchegg/touchegg.conf

Open local ~/.config/touchegg/touchegg.conf. Find xml section <application name="All"> and add:

    <gesture type="PINCH" fingers="2" direction="IN">
      <action type="RUN_COMMAND">
        <command>echo key super+minus | dotoolc</command>
        <decreaseCommand>echo key super+equal | dotoolc</decreaseCommand>

    <gesture type="PINCH" fingers="2" direction="OUT">
      <action type="RUN_COMMAND">
        <command>echo key super+equal | dotoolc</command>
        <decreaseCommand>echo key super+minus | dotoolc</decreaseCommand>

Note: if your hot keys not Meta+=/Meta+-, use your own from result of dotool --list-keys

Configure dotool

No configuration needed (John Gebbie, you rocks!).


Q: Why use dotoold/dotoolc combination? Command echo key super+minus | dotool works same...

A: No, not same. dotoold with dotoolc calls works better and faster.