The P1 Exporter is a Micropython script designed for the Raspberry Pi Pico W hardware. It is used to read measurements from a power meter equipped with the P1 port.
This version of the application is tested with the following Micropython firmware:
The following files should be put in the Pico root directory:
favicon.ico index.css <-- Rename to
When the application start for the first time it will write a default configuration to the root of the Pico filesystem, 'config.json'. This file is not meant to be edited by hand but it’s possible.
The default configuration will make the Pico start up as an access point which can be connected to using another WiFi device. Connect to the Pico WiFi and go to to do the initial configuration.
When pushing the 'Save' button at the configuration page the Pico will reboot. It may take some time for it to boot up and reconnect to the WiFi. |