This repository contains three docker images:
i) An ExaBGP router with Socket.IO server embeded exposed on port 5000
ii) A python Socket.IO client that retrieves BGP update messages from the ExaBGP router in JSON format
iii) A Quagga BGP router
To run a simple test case use docker-compose up
Socket.IO client <-- <BGP UPDATES> --> Socket.IO server / ExaBGP Monitor <-- <iBGP SESSION> --> QUAGGA1 <-- <eBGP SESSION> --> QUAGGA2
a) EXABGP creates an iBGP session with QUAGGA1
b) QUAGGA1 creates an eBGP session with QUAGGA2
c) Socket.IO client subscribes for prefix to Socket.IO server
d) QUAGGA2 announces and QUAGGA1 announces
e) EXABGP receives announcements and forwards them to Socket.IO client