embed shellscripts and files into png files!
see silly.png for an example
show silly.png
do not run any random file with bash
without checking if it's malicious first!
you can see the source code embedded in a file silly-png outputs by opening it
in a hex editor like ImHex or using a tool
like TweakPNG.
# install silly-png
cargo install silly-png
# rickroll
silly-png my_funny_cat_image_real.png scripts/epic_rickroll_script.sh rickroll.mp4
# you can now send my_funny_cat_image_real.silly.png to your friends!
# run the script yourself
bash my_funny_cat_image_real.silly.png
# you can even boot a VM
silly-png amogus.png scripts/qemu.sh AmogOS-v0.2.1.iso
# see qemu.sh for details
there are example scripts under the scripts folder go there
i wrote this between 2:30 and 6:00
it is also cc0, see LICENSE for details