Example of samplers using the soundfile primitive, to be played in monophonic (first example) or polyphonic mode (second and third examples), in ScriptProcessor mode only for now:
a test version to play a sample in loop: https://faustide.grame.fr/?code=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sletz/faust-sampler/main/mono.dsp.
a first version with 2 samples that can directly be launched using this link: https://faustide.grame.fr/?code=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sletz/faust-sampler/main/sampler.dsp.
another one with 4 piano samples to choose from and interpolated read, that can directly be launched using this link: https://faustide.grame.fr/?code=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sletz/faust-sampler/main/piano.dsp.
The raw DSP files can also tested in the test page by simply dropping the raw URLs:
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sletz/faust-sampler/main/mono.dsp for the mono case
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sletz/faust-sampler/main/sampler.dsp to be tested in polyphonic mode
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sletz/faust-sampler/main/piano.dsp to be tested in polyphonic mode