Some Apps would display an AD when App launch or App enter foreground. This is a simple tool help to control when and how many times the AD should be displayed.
- excludeFromScreenLock, should exclude the situation that app enter foreground by unlock screen. YES by default.
- timeThreshold, time interval in seconds between background and foreground, default to 300s(5 minus)
- maxSessionShowTimes, max time of showing AD per session(APP run one time), default to NSUIntegerMax.
- maxDailyShowTimes, max time of showing AD per day, default to NSUIntegerMax.
- showADFilter, if exists, the return value of this block will determinte the AD should be displayed or not
- showADAction, block to execute when an AD should be displayed.
KMADManager *mag = [KMADManager sharedInstace];
mag.maxDailyShowTimes = 5;
mag.maxSessionShowTimes = 3;
mag.excludeFromScreenLock = NO;
mag.timeThreshold = 3 * 60; // 3 minus
mag.showADAction = ^(KMADManager *manager, BOOL isFirstLaunch) {
// here, code to show your AD
// e.g.
NSString *imageName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"ad%@.jpg",@(manager.dailyShowTimes)];
UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:imageName];
if (image) {
[ADHelper showADWithImage:image];