A dedicated software developer based in India with comprehensive experience in the IT industry. I specialize in both front-end and back-end development, and I'm passionate about building robust and user-friendly software solutions using technologies.
- Experienced in IT 🖥️ and Electronics
- Specialize in full-stack web development with 2+ years in web technologies.
- Top 40 mentor 😎 on the Frontend Mentor.
- Collaborated with more than 100+ software developers all around the world remotely 💻.
- Completed 50+ front-end projects of all levels using the latest javascript technologies and deployed them all successfully on different platforms.
- Delivered 10+ IOT and electronics projects worldwide 🗺️
- 5000+ contribution 🗽 on the Github
- Completed 700+ code 📊 reviews for full-stack web projects using Github's Feature.
Here's a glimpse of the skills I bring to the table:
- Front-End Technologies: React.js (including Redux.js, Redux Thunk, and Redux/Toolkit), HTML5, Vanilla JS
- Back-End Technologies: Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Express.js, GraphQL, Apollo, Django (Beginner)
- Deployment: Render, Vercel, Netlify, Railway.app, Heroku
- Programming Languages: JavaScript, Ruby, Python, Embedded C/C++
- Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MariaDB
- Testing: Jest, RSpec, Rubocop, Capybara
- Bundle Technologies: Vite, Webpack, Parcel
- Styling: Ant Design, TailwindCSS, Chakra-UI, styled-components, SASS/SCSS, Bootstrap, CSS3
- 🔭 I’m currently working on full-stack projects using the React library on the front end and Ruby on Rails on the back end.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning SSR, PWA's and other popular CSS frameworks.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Open Source and IoT projects.
- 💬 Ask me anything about
- 📫 Send an email
- 😄 Pronouns: He / Him
- ⚡ Fun fact: I love electronics and programming.