A recent Barclays study reveals there is an extra £3.2 billion to be earned over the next decade if the hotel sector becomes more attentive to online reviews. This is because customer reviews are a great source of “voice of the customer” and could offer tremendous insights into what customers like and dislike about a product or service. Considering the facts above, since customer reviews are detailed texts, it is an arduous task to generate insights from texts on a large scale. In this project, we introduce and apply some techniques to help companies in analysing the reviews efficiently.
Our objective in this project was to analyse and understand Hotel Reviews posted on TripAdvisor & summarise our insights. We have shortlisted 2 objectives that will help Hotels to analyse their reviews and responses
- Understand emotions of the customers & build a model for hotel managers that determines the criticality for responding to a review.
- Understand semantic similarity of reviews and responses to see how correctly hotel managers address the concerns of customers.