1) Run the code below to open the application
Pull docker image from Docker Hub
docker pull anonranger/pubdeskmd
Start the docker server at localhost:3000
docker run --name pubdeskmd -d -p 3000:4173 anonranger/pubdeskmd
2) Create a Personal Access Token
A) Click on Profile -> Settings -> Developer Settings -> Personal Access Token (Fine grained token) - for Personal repos
B) Click on Profile -> Settings -> Developer Settings -> Personal Access Token (Classic token) - for Organization repos
Security recommendation: When creating a Fine grained token, keep the validity window to a small timeline. Also give access only to specific repos you want to edit.
Note: In Github profile, public email should have an email. If it does not exist, go to email settings and update.
1) open localhost:3000
in your browser
2) Add Github Token, and select your github repo to view the markdown (.md) files
3) Open the Github repo, based on Github Token Permissions, to view and edit the markdown (files).
4) After you are done editing, click update to push the changes automatically to Github repo