I created source files for three documents, for a proper academic paper, for an essay and for a presentation slides.
You can see the source and output RAW-FILES thru the listing above.
To see them rendered click the links from below:
Each source file has a short command in within tags <!--
and -->
that converts the source code into html/pdf. To be able to run the commands you need to have pandoc and latex installed. Follow these directions:
- Installing Pandoc - duration of download and install approx. 30s.
- Latex:in asentaminen linuxiin, Mac OS X:ään ja Windowsiin - duration of download and install approx. 60 min.
This has been tested in using pandoc 1.12.3 version in Windows 7 and Ubuntu linux 12.04
Use following scripts to convert slides into desired format
For converting the theory_paper.md
- pdf:
pandoc --filter pandoc-citeproc theory_paper.md -o theory_paper.pdf --toc --number-sections
- docx:
pandoc --filter pandoc-citeproc theory_paper.md -o theory_paper.docx --toc --number-sections
For converting the slides.md
- reveal.js html:
pandoc -t revealjs -s slides.md -o slides.html -V revealjs-url=http://lab.hakim.se/reveal-js -V theme=simple -V transition=fade
- pdf:
pandoc -t beamer slides.md -o slides.pdf
For converting the essay_galigula.md
- html:
pandoc -s essay_galigula.md -o essay_galigula.html
And of course, you need an application for writing text. Notepad is good, but for windows I recommend Markdown Pad and for OS X maybe Mou, Clockwork Engine or perhaps TEXTS.