Simple bot program to play TypeRacer written in Python and Selenium with Anti-Cheat test solved using AI.
- Python >=3.11
- dependencies in requirements.txt
- Firefox
- geckodriver
To be able to run the program you will need to:
- download the geckodriver (alternatively you can install it on your machine)
- add the directory containing the executable (downloaded driver) to the system path
something like this:
$ export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/directory/of/downloaded/executable
- after that you should be able to successfully run
$ python
Recently there has been control panel (PySide2) added to the project. It should make user experience more comfortable. Here is a screenshot of how it looks like.
At some point you will see the challenge message (left image).
After you click Begin test you will be asked to type text from specific image (right image).
Utilizing deep learning OCR the bot can now pass the challenge (GUI updated accordingly). If you're interested I prepared a writeup about it in challenge_solver/