For Project Tech we were asked to develop a dating app. In this repo you'll find the dating app along with it's documentation in the repo's wiki.
When I feel the need to make use of a dating app, I want to be able to create an account where I can provide information that describes and defines me along with my preferences, so I can be able to create a personalised profile.
This repo will have a working login and registration system as well as a profile page where the user, once logged in, can update their preferences or delete their account.
This project has a few dependendcies, make sure you have them installed:
- node (includes npm out of the box)
node -v && npm -v
- nodemon, to start the project, monitor changes and restart the server
npm i nodemon && nodemon -v
- an .env file, you can use the example or enter the following in the project root
echo "DB_URL=<The url to your MongoDB>\nSESSION_SECRET=<Your session secret>" > .env
- project dependencies
npm install
- at last, you can run the project with
npm run start
Getting issues during install? Your installation is probably outdated.
npm update && npm install -g n && n latest
Also dont forget to fill out the .env file and whitelist your IP on Atlas
The following sources are used: