access (man 2 access)
chdir (man 2 chdir)
close (man 2 close)
closedir (man 3 closedir)
execve (man 2 execve)
exit (man 3 exit)
_exit (man 2 _exit)
fflush (man 3 fflush)
fork (man 2 fork)
free (man 3 free)
getcwd (man 3 getcwd)
getline (man 3 getline)
getpid (man 2 getpid)
isatty (man 3 isatty)
kill (man 2 kill)
malloc (man 3 malloc)
open (man 2 open)
opendir (man 3 opendir)
perror (man 3 perror)
read (man 2 read)
readdir (man 3 readdir)
signal (man 2 signal)
stat (__xstat) (man 2 stat)
lstat (__lxstat) (man 2 lstat)
fstat (__fxstat) (man 2 fstat)
strtok (man 3 strtok)
wait (man 2 wait)
waitpid (man 2 waitpid)
wait3 (man 2 wait3)
wait4 (man 2 wait4)
write (man 2 write)
Your shell will be compiled this way: gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic -std=gnu89 *.c -o hsh
Your shell should work like this in interactive mode:
$ ./hsh (
But also in non-interactive mode: $ echo "/bin/ls" | ./hsh hsh main.c shell.c test_ls_2 $ $ cat test_ls_2 /bin/ls /bin/ls $ $ cat test_ls_2 | ./hsh hsh main.c shell.c test_ls_2 hsh main.c shell.c test_ls_2 $
The Checker will be released at the end of the project (1-2 days before the deadline). We strongly encourage the entire class to work together to create a suite of checks covering both regular tests and edge cases for each task. See task 8. Test suite.