Code for "SpringBoot + Kubernetes Tutorial" YouTube Series
NOTE: The original code explained in the YouTube video series is available in the
branch. The code in themain
branch is updated to use the latest versions of the dependencies.
$ git clone
$ cd springboot-kubernetes-youtube-series
$ ./ start
$ ./ stop
$ ./ start_infra
$ ./ stop_infra
- To start only dependent services
$ ./ start_infra
$ ./ stop_infra
$ cd springboot-kubernetes-youtube-series
$ cd kind
$ ./
$ cd ../
$ kubectl apply -f k8s/
- Access API using NodePort http://localhost:18080/api/bookmarks
- Access UI using NodePort http://localhost:30080/
- Access API using Ingress http://localhost/bookmarker-api/api/bookmarks
- Access UI using Ingress http://localhost/
kubectl get pods
kubectl get all
kubectl run bookmarker-api --image=sivaprasadreddy/bookmarker-api --restart=Never --port=8080 --labels=env=dev,version=1.0
kubectl get all
kubectl describe pods bookmarker-api
kubectl delete pods bookmarker-api
kubectl run bookmarker-api --image=sivaprasadreddy/bookmarker-api --restart=Never --port=8080 --labels=env=dev,version=1.0 --dry-run=client -o yaml > pod.yaml
kubectl apply -f pod.yaml
kubectl logs bookmarker-api -f
kubectl exec -it bookmarker-api -- /bin/sh
kubectl delete -f pod.yaml
kubectl get ns
kubectl create ns dev
kubectl run bookmarker-api --image=sivaprasadreddy/bookmarker-api --restart=Never --port=8080 -n dev -o yaml --dry-run=client > pod.yaml
kubectl get pods -n dev
kubectl delete ns dev
kubectl create deployment bookmarker-api-deploy --image=sivaprasadreddy/bookmarker-api
kubectl create deployment bookmarker-api-deploy --image=sivaprasadreddy/bookmarker-api --dry-run=client -o yaml > deployment.yaml
kubectl describe deployments.apps/bookmarker-api-deploy
kubectl rollout history deployments bookmarker-api-deploy
kubectl scale deployment bookmarker-api-deploy --replicas=3
kubectl set image deployment bookmarker-api-deploy bookmarker-api=sivaprasadreddy/bookmarker-api:1.1
kubectl rollout status deployment bookmarker-api-deploy
kubectl rollout undo deployment bookmarker-api-deploy --to-revision=1
kubectl create configmap db-config --from-literal=db_host=postgres --from-literal=db_name=appdb
kubectl create configmap db-config --from-env-file=config.env
kubectl create configmap db-config --from-file=config.txt
kubectl create configmap db-config --from-file=app-config
kubectl describe configmaps db-config
kubectl get configmaps db-config -o yaml
kubectl create secret generic db-creds --from-literal=pwd=s3cret
kubectl create secret generic db-creds --from-env-file=secret.env
kubectl create secret generic ssh-key --from-file=id_rsa=~/.ssh/id_rsa
echo -n 's3cret!' | base64
kubectl get secret db-creds
- ClusterIP: Exposes the Service on a cluster-internal IP. Only reachable from within the cluster.
- NodePort: Exposes the Service on each node's IP address at a static port. Accessible from outside of the cluster.
- LoadBalancer: Exposes the Service externally using a cloud provider's load balancer.
- ExternalName: Maps a Service to a DNS name.
kubectl expose deployment bookmarker-api-deploy --port=8080 --target-port=8080 --type=NodePort