wrapify is a Go library designed to simplify and standardize API response wrapping for RESTful services. It leverages the Decorator Pattern to dynamically add error handling, metadata, pagination, and other response features in a clean and human-readable format. With Wrapify, you can ensure consistent and extensible API responses with minimal boilerplate. Perfect for building robust, maintainable REST APIs in Go!
- Go version 1.23 or higher
To install, you can use the following commands based on your preference:
For a specific version:
go get github.com/sivaosorg/wrapify@v0.0.1
For the latest version:
go get -u github.com/sivaosorg/wrapify@latest
With Go's module support, go [build|run|test]
automatically fetches the necessary dependencies when you add the import in your code:
import "github.com/sivaosorg/wrapify"
An example of the wrapper-based standardized API response
"data": "response body here", // The primary data payload of the response.
"debug": {
"___abc": "trace sessions_id: 4919e84fc26881e9fe790f5d07465db4",
"refer": 1234
}, // Debugging information (useful for development).
"message": "How are you? I'm good", // A message providing additional context about the response.
"meta": {
"api_version": "v0.0.1", // API version used for the request.
"custom_fields": {
"fields": "userID: 103"
}, // Additional custom metadata fields.
"locale": "en_US", // Locale used for the request, e.g., "en-US".
"request_id": "80eafc6a1655ec5a06595d155f1e6951", // Unique identifier for the request, useful for debugging.
"requested_time": "2024-12-14T20:24:23.983839+07:00" // Timestamp when the request was made.
}, // Metadata about the API response.
"pagination": {
"is_last": true, // Indicates whether this is the last page.
"page": 1000, // Current page number.
"per_page": 2, // Number of items per page.
"total_items": 120, // Total number of items available.
"total_pages": 34 // Total number of pages.
}, // Pagination details, if applicable.
"path": "/api/v1/users", // Request path for which the response is generated.
"status_code": 200, // HTTP status code for the response.
"total": 1 // Total number of items (used in non-paginated responses).
Structure of the wrapper-based standardized API response
// R represents a wrapper around the main `wrapper` struct.
// It is used as a high-level abstraction to provide a simplified interface for handling API responses.
// The `R` type allows for easier manipulation of the wrapped data, metadata,
// and other response components, while maintaining the flexibility of the underlying `wrapper` structure.
type R struct {
// Available checks whether the `wrapper` instance is non-nil.
func (w *wrapper) Available() bool
// Body retrieves the body data associated with the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) Body() interface{}
// Cause traverses the error chain and returns the underlying cause of the error
// associated with the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) Cause() error
// Debugging retrieves the debugging information from the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) Debugging() map[string]interface{}
// Error retrieves the error associated with the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) Error() string
// Header retrieves the `header` associated with the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) Header() *header
// IsBodyPresent checks whether the body data is present in the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) IsBodyPresent() bool
// IsClientError checks whether the HTTP status code indicates a client error.
func (w *wrapper) IsClientError() bool
// IsDebuggingKeyPresent checks whether a specific key exists in the `debug` information.
func (w *wrapper) IsDebuggingKeyPresent(key string) bool
// IsDebuggingPresent checks whether debugging information is present in the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) IsDebuggingPresent() bool
// IsError checks whether there is an error present in the `wrapper` instance.
// This function returns `true` if the `wrapper` contains an error, which can be any of the following:
// - An error present in the `errors` field.
// - A client error (4xx status code) or a server error (5xx status code).
func (w *wrapper) IsError() bool
// IsErrorPresent checks whether an error is present in the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) IsErrorPresent() bool
// IsHeaderPresent checks whether header information is present in the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) IsHeaderPresent() bool
// IsLastPage checks whether the current page is the last page of results.
func (w *wrapper) IsLastPage() bool
// IsMetaPresent checks whether metadata information is present in the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) IsMetaPresent() bool
// IsPagingPresent checks whether pagination information is present in the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) IsPagingPresent() bool
// IsRedirection checks whether the HTTP status code indicates a redirection response.
func (w *wrapper) IsRedirection() bool
// IsServerError checks whether the HTTP status code indicates a server error.
func (w *wrapper) IsServerError() bool
// IsStatusCodePresent checks whether a valid status code is present in the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) IsStatusCodePresent() bool
// IsSuccess checks whether the HTTP status code indicates a successful response.
func (w *wrapper) IsSuccess() bool
// IsTotalPresent checks whether the total number of items is present in the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) IsTotalPresent() bool
// Json serializes the `wrapper` instance into a compact JSON string.
func (w *wrapper) Json() string
// JsonPretty serializes the `wrapper` instance into a prettified JSON string.
func (w *wrapper) JsonPretty() string
// Message retrieves the message associated with the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) Message() string
// Meta retrieves the `meta` information from the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) Meta() *meta
// OnKeyDebugging retrieves the value of a specific debugging key from the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) OnKeyDebugging(key string) interface{}
// Pagination retrieves the `pagination` instance associated with the `wrapper`.
func (w *wrapper) Pagination() *pagination
// R represents a wrapper around the main `wrapper` struct. It is used as a high-level
// abstraction to provide a simplified interface for handling API responses.
// The `R` type allows for easier manipulation of the wrapped data, metadata, and other
// response components, while maintaining the flexibility of the underlying `wrapper` structure.
func (w *wrapper) Reply() R
// Respond generates a map representation of the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) Respond() map[string]interface{}
// StatusCode retrieves the HTTP status code associated with the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) StatusCode() int
// StatusText returns a human-readable string representation of the HTTP status.
func (w *wrapper) StatusText() string
// Total retrieves the total number of items associated with the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) Total() int
// WithApiVersion sets the API version in the `meta` field of the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithApiVersion(v string) *wrapper
// WithApiVersionf sets the API version in the `meta` field of the `wrapper` instance using a formatted string.
func (w *wrapper) WithApiVersionf(format string, args ...interface{}) *wrapper
// WithBody sets the body data for the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithBody(v interface{}) *wrapper
// WithCustomFieldKV sets a specific custom field key-value pair in the `meta` field of the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithCustomFieldKV(key string, value interface{}) *wrapper
// WithCustomFieldKVf sets a specific custom field key-value pair in the `meta` field of the `wrapper` instance
// using a formatted value.
func (w *wrapper) WithCustomFieldKVf(key string, format string, args ...interface{}) *wrapper
// WithCustomFields sets the custom fields in the `meta` field of the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithCustomFields(values map[string]interface{}) *wrapper
// WithDebugging sets the debugging information for the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithDebugging(v map[string]interface{}) *wrapper
// WithDebuggingKV adds a key-value pair to the debugging information in the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithDebuggingKV(key string, value interface{}) *wrapper
// WithDebuggingKVf adds a formatted key-value pair to the debugging information in the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithDebuggingKVf(key string, format string, args ...interface{}) *wrapper
// WithErrMessage adds a plain contextual message to an existing error and sets it for the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithErrMessage(err error, message string) *wrapper
// WithErrMessagef adds a formatted contextual message to an existing error and sets it for the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithErrMessagef(err error, format string, args ...interface{}) *wrapper
// WithErrSck sets an error with a stack trace for the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithErrSck(err error) *wrapper
// WithErrWrap wraps an existing error with an additional message and sets it for the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithErrWrap(err error, message string) *wrapper
// WithErrWrapf wraps an existing error with a formatted message and sets it for the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithErrWrapf(err error, format string, args ...interface{}) *wrapper
// WithError sets an error for the `wrapper` instance using a plain error message.
func (w *wrapper) WithError(message string) *wrapper
// WithErrorf sets a formatted error for the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithErrorf(format string, args ...interface{}) *wrapper
// WithHeader sets the header for the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithHeader(v *header) *wrapper
// WithIsLast sets whether the current page is the last one in the wrapper's pagination.
func (w *wrapper) WithIsLast(v bool) *wrapper
// WithLocale sets the locale in the `meta` field of the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithLocale(v string) *wrapper
// WithMessage sets a message for the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithMessage(message string) *wrapper
// WithMessagef sets a formatted message for the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithMessagef(message string, args ...interface{}) *wrapper
// WithMeta sets the metadata for the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithMeta(v *meta) *wrapper
// WithPage sets the current page number in the wrapper's pagination.
func (w *wrapper) WithPage(v int) *wrapper
// WithPagination sets the pagination information for the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithPagination(v *pagination) *wrapper
// WithPath sets the request path for the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithPath(v string) *wrapper
// WithPathf sets a formatted request path for the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithPathf(v string, args ...interface{}) *wrapper
// WithPerPage sets the number of items per page in the wrapper's pagination.
func (w *wrapper) WithPerPage(v int) *wrapper
// WithRequestID sets the request ID in the `meta` field of the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithRequestID(v string) *wrapper
// WithRequestIDf sets the request ID in the `meta` field of the `wrapper` instance using a formatted string.
func (w *wrapper) WithRequestIDf(format string, args ...interface{}) *wrapper
// WithRequestedTime sets the requested time in the `meta` field of the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithRequestedTime(v time.Time) *wrapper
// WithStatusCode sets the HTTP status code for the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithStatusCode(code int) *wrapper
// WithTotal sets the total number of items for the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithTotal(total int) *wrapper
// WithTotalItems sets the total number of items in the wrapper's pagination.
func (w *wrapper) WithTotalItems(v int) *wrapper
// WithTotalPages sets the total number of pages in the wrapper's pagination.
func (w *wrapper) WithTotalPages(v int) *wrapper
Parse JSON string to wrapper-based standardized API response
package main
import (
func main() {
jsonStr := `{
"data": "response body here",
"debug": {
"___abc": "trace sessions_id: 4919e84fc26881e9fe790f5d07465db4",
"refer": 1234
"message": "How do you do? I'm good",
"meta": {
"api_version": "v0.0.1",
"custom_fields": {
"fields": "userID: 103"
"locale": "en_US",
"request_id": "80eafc6a1655ec5a06595d155f1e6951",
"requested_time": "2024-12-14T20:24:23.983839+07:00"
"pagination": {
"is_last": true,
"page": 1000,
"per_page": 2,
"total_items": 120,
"total_pages": 34
"path": "/api/v1/users",
"status_code": 200,
"total": 1
t := time.Now()
w, err := wrapify.Parse(jsonStr)
diff := time.Since(t)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error parsing JSON: %v", err)
fmt.Printf("Exe time: %+v\n", diff.String())
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", w.OnKeyDebugging("___abc"))
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", w.JsonPretty())
Example of creating a wrapper-based standardized API response
package main
import (
func main() {
p := wrapify.NewPagination().
w := wrapify.New().
WithMessagef("How are you? %v", "I'm good").
WithDebuggingKV("refer", 1234).
WithDebuggingKVf("___abc", "trace sessions_id: %v", unify4g.GenerateCryptoID()).
WithBody("response body here").
WithCustomFieldKVf("fields", "userID: %v", 103).
if !w.Available() {
Scenario | HTTP Status Codes | Example |
Successful Resource Retrieval | 200 OK, 304 Not Modified | GET /users/123 - Returns user data or indicates cached content is valid. |
Resource Creation | 201 Created | POST /users - Creates a new user, with a location header for the resource URL. |
Asynchronous Processing | 202 Accepted | POST /large-file - File upload starts, and the client polls for result. |
Validation Errors | 400 Bad Request | POST /users - Missing name field or invalid input format. |
Authentication Issues | 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden | Accessing a secured endpoint without valid credentials or insufficient permissions. |
Rate Limiting | 429 Too Many Requests | Exceeded allowed API requests within a time window. |
Missing Resource | 404 Not Found | GET /users/999 - User ID not found. |
Server Failures | 500 Internal Server Error, 503 Service Unavailable | Database failure, unhandled exception, or server in maintenance mode. |
Version Conflicts | 409 Conflict | PUT /resource/123 with an outdated version, causing a conflict. |
Partial Responses | 206 Partial Content | Video streaming or fetching paginated results. |
Redirecting Resources | 302 Found, 307 Temporary Redirect, 308 Permanent Redirect | URL redirection during resource movement or temporary relocation. |
Client Data Too Large | 413 Payload Too Large, 414 URI Too Long | Request body or URL exceeds server-defined limits. |
Unsupported Content Type | 415 Unsupported Media Type | Client uploads a file format not accepted by the server. |
Preconditions in Requests | 428 Precondition Required | Conditional requests missing headers like If-Match . |
Unavailable Legal Restrictions | 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons | Server refuses access due to legal constraints (e.g., copyright violations). |
Teapot Joke (RFC 2324) | 418 I'm a Teapot | Easter egg for servers implementing the Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol. |
HTTP Status Code | Category | Description | Example |
100 Continue | Informational | Request headers received; client can proceed with the request body. | Client sends a large payload after server's readiness. |
200 OK | Successful | General success for GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE requests. | Returns requested resource or success confirmation. |
201 Created | Successful | Resource successfully created. | POST /users creates a new user. |
202 Accepted | Successful | Request accepted but processing is asynchronous. | Long-running jobs or file uploads. |
204 No Content | Successful | Request successful, but no response body is returned. | DELETE /users/123 successfully deletes a user. |
301 Moved Permanently | Redirection | Resource has moved permanently to a new location. | Redirect from http:// to https:// . |
304 Not Modified | Redirection | Cached content is still valid. | GET returns no new data if resource is unchanged. |
400 Bad Request | Client Error | Malformed or invalid request from the client. | Missing required fields or invalid input. |
401 Unauthorized | Client Error | Authentication is required but missing or invalid. | Accessing protected routes without valid credentials. |
403 Forbidden | Client Error | Access is denied due to insufficient permissions. | Non-admin user attempting to access admin resources. |
404 Not Found | Client Error | Requested resource could not be found. | GET /users/999 where the user doesn't exist. |
409 Conflict | Client Error | Conflict with the current resource state. | Versioning conflicts during updates. |
429 Too Many Requests | Client Error | Too many requests sent by the client in a time window. | Exceeding API rate limits for a free-tier user. |
500 Internal Server Error | Server Error | Generic error due to unexpected server conditions. | Unhandled exception or database failure. |
503 Service Unavailable | Server Error | Server is temporarily unavailable (e.g., maintenance or overload). | Server in maintenance mode. |
504 Gateway Timeout | Server Error | Upstream server timeout occurred. | API service failed while calling a dependent service. |
205 Reset Content | Successful | Client should reset the view or form after the request. | Clearing form data after a successful submission. |
206 Partial Content | Successful | Partial data returned, typically for range requests. | Video or file streaming. |
302 Found | Redirection | Resource temporarily located at a different URI. | Temporary URL redirection during maintenance. |
307 Temporary Redirect | Redirection | POST request redirect maintaining HTTP method and body. | Redirecting after login to the original page. |
308 Permanent Redirect | Redirection | Resource has permanently moved; all requests must use the new location. | Updating bookmarks for a relocated API endpoint. |
413 Payload Too Large | Client Error | Request entity exceeds the server’s capacity limits. | Uploading a file exceeding the server's maximum size. |
414 URI Too Long | Client Error | Request URI is too long for the server to process. | Query parameters exceed the allowed URL length. |
415 Unsupported Media Type | Client Error | Media format of the request is not supported by the server. | Uploading a .exe file when only .png is allowed. |
416 Range Not Satisfiable | Client Error | Client requested an invalid range of data. | Requesting byte range beyond the end of a file. |
422 Unprocessable Entity | Client Error | Server understands the request but is unable to process the content. | Semantic validation errors for a JSON payload. |
451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons | Client Error | Resource cannot be provided due to legal restrictions. | Region-based content restrictions. |
500 Internal Server Error | Server Error | Catch-all for unexpected server errors. | Database unavailable or unhandled exceptions. |
501 Not Implemented | Server Error | Server lacks the functionality to fulfill the request. | Unsupported HTTP method (e.g., TRACE ). |
502 Bad Gateway | Server Error | Server acting as a gateway received an invalid response from the upstream server. | Reverse proxy errors. |
504 Gateway Timeout | Server Error | Timeout occurred while waiting for an upstream server. | API dependency fails to respond in time. |
511 Network Authentication Required | Server Error | Network requires authentication to gain access. | Captive portals in public Wi-Fi networks. |
Test Case Scenario | Expected HTTP Status Code(s) | Description |
User successfully logs in | 200 OK | API response includes user details and authentication token. |
User account created successfully | 201 Created | Resource (user account) is created, and the location of the new resource is returned. |
File uploaded successfully but no additional data | 204 No Content | File upload completed successfully without a response body. |
User submits invalid login credentials | 401 Unauthorized | Login fails due to incorrect username or password. |
Accessing a protected resource without login | 403 Forbidden | User is not authorized to view the resource, even with authentication. |
User attempts to access a non-existent endpoint | 404 Not Found | Requested API endpoint or resource does not exist. |
Validation error on a user registration form | 422 Unprocessable Entity | Form data does not pass validation rules (e.g., password too short). |
Request body too large (e.g., large file upload) | 413 Payload Too Large | File upload or JSON body exceeds server limits. |
Incorrect file format uploaded (e.g., .exe file) | 415 Unsupported Media Type | Server does not support the uploaded file type. |
Pagination requested beyond total pages | 416 Range Not Satisfiable | Client requests data outside the valid range of pages or records. |
Server fails to connect to the database | 500 Internal Server Error | Unhandled error when the database connection cannot be established. |
Feature not yet implemented in the API | 501 Not Implemented | HTTP method or endpoint is recognized but not implemented. |
API request timeout due to heavy backend processing | 504 Gateway Timeout | Upstream server takes too long to process the request. |
Resource moved to a new location | 301 Moved Permanently, 308 Permanent Redirect | URL of the resource has changed permanently; clients should update their links. |
Resource temporarily relocated during maintenance | 302 Found, 307 Temporary Redirect | Temporary redirect to another URL while the primary resource is unavailable. |
Rate-limiting: Too many API requests | 429 Too Many Requests | Client exceeds the allowed number of API requests in a given time window. |
Precondition headers fail validation | 412 Precondition Failed | Conditional request fails because resource has been modified. |
JSON body missing required fields | 400 Bad Request | Client sends a malformed or incomplete request body. |
Legal restriction prevents content access | 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons | Server is legally restricted from providing access to the resource. |
Client loses connection before the request completes | 499 Client Closed Request | Client aborts the connection before receiving a response (commonly logged, not directly sent). |
Authentication required by proxy server | 407 Proxy Authentication Required | Proxy server requires authentication to forward the request. |
File partially downloaded for video streaming | 206 Partial Content | Only a specific byte range of the resource is delivered for streaming or download resumption. |
Form submission resets after success | 205 Reset Content | Server advises client to clear the form view post submission. |
HTTP protocol not supported by server | 505 HTTP Version Not Supported | Server rejects the request because it uses an unsupported HTTP protocol version. |
Conflict during resource creation (e.g., duplicate) | 409 Conflict | Duplicate data (e.g., username already taken) prevents successful resource creation. |
Request missing mandatory headers | 428 Precondition Required | Server expects precondition headers but they are not provided in the request. |
Server unavailable for scheduled maintenance | 503 Service Unavailable | API temporarily down due to maintenance. |
Captive portal blocking request | 511 Network Authentication Required | Network requires user to authenticate via a captive portal (e.g., public Wi-Fi). |
User attempts to delete a resource they don’t own | 403 Forbidden | User lacks the necessary permissions to delete the resource. |
Successful logout action | 204 No Content | Logout succeeds, and no further information is needed in the response body. |
Failed payment during checkout | 402 Payment Required | Payment processing fails due to insufficient funds or invalid card details. |
Retryable error while interacting with an API | 503 Service Unavailable, 429 Too Many Requests | Server advises client to retry the request later due to high load or maintenance. |
Resource has been permanently removed | 410 Gone | The requested resource is no longer available and has been intentionally removed. |
Attempting to use deprecated API functionality | 426 Upgrade Required | Server indicates the client must switch to a newer API version or feature. |
Server encounters infinite loop in processing | 508 Loop Detected | Recursive dependency or circular reference causes server to fail. |
Client request rejected for failing security policy | 403 Forbidden | Request rejected due to IP block, WAF policy, or lack of role-based access. |
Data synchronization between microservices fails | 424 Failed Dependency | Dependent service failure causes the current request to fail. |
Cache expired and client retries fetching resource | 304 Not Modified | Client reuses cached data because the resource hasn’t been modified. |
Conditional GET succeeds with ETag header validation | 200 OK | ETag or Last-Modified headers validate that the resource is still current. |
Debugging API errors via enhanced logs | 500 Internal Server Error | Logs include additional debugging information in non-production environments. |
Database deadlock during bulk update | 503 Service Unavailable | Server temporarily pauses due to contention in backend services (e.g., database). |
Sending an OPTIONS request for CORS preflight | 204 No Content | Preflight request checks permissions and provides headers without returning a body. |
User provides outdated resource version for update | 409 Conflict | Request fails because the resource version has changed (optimistic locking conflict). |
Authorization header missing for private API | 401 Unauthorized | Server denies access to private endpoints due to missing or invalid authorization credentials. |
Request triggers alert for potential bot activity | 429 Too Many Requests | Server throttles requests due to rate limits exceeded by suspected bot. |
Returning localized error messages | 422 Unprocessable Entity | Localized error message (e.g., user-facing validation errors) is included in the response. |
API downtime monitored by a health check service | 503 Service Unavailable | Health check detects outage, and server signals unavailability for monitoring tools. |
Proxy service fails to resolve the target server | 502 Bad Gateway | Reverse proxy server cannot reach the upstream server. |
User requests unsupported language or locale | 406 Not Acceptable | Server cannot fulfill request due to missing translation or unsupported Accept-Language header. |
Request contains missing parameters | 400 Bad Request | Request body or query parameters are incomplete or improperly formatted. |
Rate-limited error with Retry-After header | 429 Too Many Requests | Response includes a Retry-After header to indicate when the client can send another request. |
Simultaneous update results in inconsistent state | 409 Conflict | Two users updating the same resource simultaneously cause a conflict. |
Long-running process accepted but not completed yet | 202 Accepted | Request acknowledged and being processed asynchronously; no result yet. |
Streaming file in chunks for large downloads | 206 Partial Content | Response delivers file in chunks using Content-Range headers. |
Server limits resource creation per account | 429 Too Many Requests | Too many POST requests for creating new resources are detected from the same account. |
Request contains invalid authentication token | 401 Unauthorized | JWT token expired, malformed, or signed with an invalid key. |
Custom error page for 404 not found | 404 Not Found | Server renders a user-friendly 404 error page for missing resources. |
JSON parsing error during request processing | 400 Bad Request | Malformed JSON request body results in a bad request error. |
File uploaded to a temporary storage location | 201 Created | Temporary resource is created, and location is returned in response headers. |
Upstream server returns a malformed response | 502 Bad Gateway | Reverse proxy reports an invalid or unexpected response from the upstream server. |
Deprecation warning in response headers | 200 OK | Warning header advises clients that the endpoint or feature will be deprecated in future. |
Custom quota limits for premium users | 429 Too Many Requests | Rate-limiting based on user’s subscription tier is enforced. |
User provides invalid credentials | 401 Unauthorized | Authentication fails due to incorrect or missing credentials in the request. |
User requests a resource that no longer exists | 410 Gone | Requested resource was previously available but has been permanently deleted. |
File upload is too large | 413 Payload Too Large | User attempts to upload a file that exceeds the allowed size. |
Access is denied due to insufficient permissions | 403 Forbidden | User lacks permissions to access the requested resource, even though they are authenticated. |
User tries to access a resource they are not authorized for | 403 Forbidden | The user is authenticated, but their role does not permit access to the resource. |
API version mismatch | 426 Upgrade Required | The client needs to upgrade to a supported API version. |
API successfully processes a request | 200 OK | Request is processed successfully, and the server returns the result. |
Resource creation is successful | 201 Created | A new resource is created (e.g., new user, new item) and the response includes a location header. |
User tries to update a resource with invalid data | 400 Bad Request | The user has sent invalid data or missing required parameters in the request body. |
Invalid input format or type in request body | 400 Bad Request | Malformed JSON, XML, or any unsupported data format received in the body. |
Client exceeds rate limit for API calls | 429 Too Many Requests | Too many requests sent in a given time frame, exceeding the rate limit. |
Resource is temporarily unavailable due to maintenance | 503 Service Unavailable | Service is down due to scheduled or unscheduled maintenance. |
Requested resource does not exist | 404 Not Found | The server cannot find the resource requested by the client. |
User is logged out or session expired | 401 Unauthorized | Session has expired, requiring the user to authenticate again. |
API request is valid but cannot be processed immediately | 202 Accepted | Request is accepted, but processing is deferred (asynchronous). |
Invalid request headers | 400 Bad Request | Client sends improper headers, such as missing required headers or unsupported content types. |
File type not supported during upload | 415 Unsupported Media Type | The server refuses to process the file because its type is not supported. |
Client attempts to access a restricted IP address | 403 Forbidden | Server blocks access from a specific IP address for security reasons. |
Required query parameters are missing | 400 Bad Request | A required query parameter is missing from the request, making it invalid. |
Client sends an invalid or expired authentication token | 401 Unauthorized | Authentication fails due to the expiration or invalidity of the provided authentication token. |
The request is processed but some resources fail | 206 Partial Content | The request was partially fulfilled; some resources were returned, but others failed. |
Client requested a resource that has been moved | 301 Moved Permanently | The requested resource has been permanently moved to a new URL. |
Client requests an old resource version | 409 Conflict | A conflict occurs, typically when trying to update a resource that has been modified by others. |
Resource modification fails due to business rules | 422 Unprocessable Entity | The resource update fails due to invalid data (e.g., violating constraints or business rules). |
Server error during processing due to unexpected issue | 500 Internal Server Error | Generic error indicating that the server encountered an unexpected condition. |
Proxy server encounters an error while communicating with the backend | 502 Bad Gateway | The reverse proxy server is unable to forward the request to the backend service. |
Request body exceeds maximum allowed size | 413 Payload Too Large | The client sends a request with a body larger than what the server is willing or able to process. |
User attempts to upload a file without authorization | 403 Forbidden | User is authenticated, but lacks permission to upload files to the server. |
API request violates business logic (e.g., attempting to submit an empty form) | 400 Bad Request | Request violates API business logic or validation rules (e.g., submitting empty or invalid fields). |
Server does not support the requested HTTP method | 405 Method Not Allowed | The client attempts to use an unsupported HTTP method (e.g., using PUT on a read-only endpoint). |
Client attempts to submit a request with too many parameters | 400 Bad Request | Request contains too many parameters or exceeds the API’s parameter limits. |
Service is temporarily unavailable | 503 Service Unavailable | The service is temporarily unavailable due to reasons like server overload, maintenance, etc. |
Invalid request format (e.g., XML instead of JSON) | 415 Unsupported Media Type | Server responds with an error when an unsupported content type (like XML) is sent in the request. |
File not found in requested location | 404 Not Found | Client requests a file that does not exist on the server. |
Server experiences a timeout when processing request | 504 Gateway Timeout | The server was unable to get a timely response from an upstream server. |
Incorrect authentication method provided | 400 Bad Request | Authentication method provided by the client is not supported by the server (e.g., Basic Auth instead of OAuth). |
Request sent in unsupported language | 406 Not Acceptable | The server cannot provide a response in the requested language. |
Client sends invalid API version | 426 Upgrade Required | API version used in the request is outdated and no longer supported by the server. |
The API is receiving an unexpected large number of requests | 429 Too Many Requests | The client exceeded the rate limit defined for the API endpoint. |
Client requests a resource that is locked | 423 Locked | The requested resource is locked and cannot be modified. |
Request failed due to a custom business rule violation | 422 Unprocessable Entity | The request contains valid input, but a business rule prevents it from being processed. |
Client tries to access a deprecated endpoint | 410 Gone | The endpoint has been deprecated and is no longer available. |
The server is unable to process the request due to a backend error | 502 Bad Gateway | Backend or upstream server issues prevent the processing of the request. |
The client’s request is incomplete (missing necessary fields) | 400 Bad Request | Request cannot be processed because it lacks necessary fields or contains invalid values. |
User reaches the maximum limit of API calls per day | 429 Too Many Requests | The user has exceeded their daily API quota limit and must wait until the next period. |
Client tries to access a resource that requires a higher subscription tier | 403 Forbidden | Client is attempting to access a resource that is restricted based on their subscription tier. |
Client sends a request with a malformed header | 400 Bad Request | A malformed or missing required header causes the request to be rejected. |
Server successfully processes a POST request to create a new entity | 201 Created | The POST request creates a new entity (such as a user or item), and the server returns the URI of the newly created entity. |
Client submits a valid request for batch processing | 207 Multi-Status | A batch request is processed with mixed success, returning the status of each request in the batch. |
Request for an unsupported API version | 426 Upgrade Required | The requested API version is unsupported, and the client must upgrade. |
To contribute to project, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/sivaosorg/wrapify.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd wrapify
Prepare the project environment:
go mod tidy