Presentation storyboard for a simple highscore application using the API first (top-down) approach.
git clone
cd hall-of-fame
npm i -g swagger-nodegen-cli@2.4.4
npm i -g @angular/cli
Generate nodejs-server and implement service
swagger-nodegen-cli generate \
-i ./api/swagger.yaml \
-o ./highscore-server \
-l nodejs-server
cd highscore-server
npm install
npm audit fix
npm install nedb
Live Coding
Generate Angular Application
ng new highscore-client
cd highscore-client
npm audit fix
ng serve
mkdir config
touch config/typescript-angular.json
swagger-nodegen-cli config-help \
-l typescript-angular
swagger-nodegen-cli generate \
-i ./api/swagger.yaml \
-o ./highscore-client/src/lib/highscore-service \
-c ./config/typescript-angular.json \
-l typescript-angular
Implement Angular Client using the data service module and the highscore-server
npm i rxjs-compat
npm audit fix
Live Coding
Update with express middleware and restart server
cd ./highscore-server
npm i express cors helmet
Live Coding
Add custom Style (e.g. bootstrap), use CSS preprocessors (e.g. LESS)
npm i bootstrap
ng config schematics.@schematics/angular:component.styleext less
Live Coding