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Clone the repo (use --recursive to download the submodules)

$ git clone --recursive

Assuming the project is under ~/Projects/dotfiles then, for example, to install nvim run

$ cd ~/Projects/dotfiles && stow -t ~ nvim 


  • The fonts directory contains a font Inconsolata Nerd Font Complete Mono.otf. It is a patched font - it has both the original Inconsolata font and extra glyphs for powerline. After running the stow command, run # fc-cache -vr to cache the font.
  • As regards termite, the naming under .config/termite/config differs from the file name. The name of the font must be equal to the output of $ fc-list | grep "Inconsolata" | cut -d ':' -f 2' which, in this case, is slightly different from the actual font filename.
  • There is no need to install any extra fonts for powerline, nvim, etc.
  • Don't forget to set the correct locale. First, edit the /etc/locale.gen and uncomment the locale for example, en_US.UTF-8, then run # locale-gen, finally, run # localectl set-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8.
  • Edit the .gitmodules to cherry-pick repos you use.
  • Run $ nvim +UpdateRemotePlugins +qall from the command line after updating nvim plugins or run :UpdateRemotePlugins from within nvim.
  • To update all submodules run $ git submodule update --remote --merge