#Management and Analysis of Physics Datasets @UniPD Role: Teaching Assistant Lectures for laboratorory of Management and Analysis of Physics Datasets course of Msc in Physic of Data @UniPD 2018-2019
- Slides on Dask and and Clsuter / HPC
- Principles of distribute calculos with Dask
- Principle of parallel calculos with Dask
- Homework 1
- Example of distributed Cross validation with Keras
- Solutions
- Slides on Dask and and Clsuter / HPC
- Distribute calculos with Dask
- Parallel calculos with Dask
- Example of distributed Cross validation with Keras
- Solutions
- Example of distributed ML
- Distributed dataset
- Distributed remote dataset
- CSV vs H5 dataset
- Dask Dataframe
- Concepts of map reduces
- Homework 2
- Eample of Simple map reduce
- Distributed Machine learning
- Incremental learning
- Parallel Post fit
- Distributed Tesnforflow and Keras over CPU/GPU cluster
- Solutions
- Ditributed regression