Sinem Kocoglu
CheckHealth method works with the Case Level by running the game on unity. I created HealthCheckCaller.cs and attached to LevelHealtChecker object as a component to do it.
CheckHealthMethod returns true, if the level is solvable. False, if unsolvable. Result is also printed on console.
CheckHealth is implemented by using BFS (Breadth-First Search) algorithm. It uses a queue and explores all neighbors before moving to the next tile.
To test the edge cases, TestHealthCheck.cs is implemented. It is in the Assets/Editor/Tests. It has 6 test cases including solvable and unsolvable levels. TestCase1: Unsolvable level ending up with dead-end TestCase2: Unsolvable level ending up in lose area TestCase3: Solvable level TestCase4: Unsolvable level with a single tile having all dead-ends TestCase5: Random unsolvable level
TestCase6: Solvable level with a single tile -
Properties in Level.cs, Tile.cs, and TilePathData.cs modified accordingly.
The logic is that it starts with given starting tile and starting point. After checking if the point opens to win area, it finds the tiles connected by a path on the current tile with the GetConnectedTiles method. It goes over each points(1..7) and finds neighbor tile indexes according the their placement to the current tile. Total count of rows and columns are kept in Level.cs. The orders are decided according to the tile index order:
row1/col1 col2 col3 -
The code can check for levels having different number of tiles as long as row count and column count are provided in Level.