A collection of tiny, lightweight, client-side web libraries with a minimal API. Single file components without transpiling. The examples are hosted on GitHub.
Create an html page "index.html"
Add a component.
<div name="child" data-component="./child.html"></div>
When "index.html" loads, "./child.html" inserts, and Component.start runs.
Component.start(({ component }) => { ... })
Redirect the child component to show other content.
Component.start(({ component }) => {
const data = {}
component.child('child').redirect('./child.html', data)
Watch a url endpoint.
router.register('products', {
enter: () => { ... }
Redirect a child component.
router.register('products', {
enter: () => child.redirect('./products.html')
Inject data from the router's url into the component.
router.register('products', {
enter: (data) => child.redirect('./products.html', data)
The router provides path, last path part, index of the last path part, and matched values.
router.register('products', {
enter: ({ path, part, index, values }) => child.redirect('./products.html', { path, part, index, values })
After "products.html" loads, watch another endpoint: "products/:id".
router.register('products/:id', {
enter: () => { ... }
A path part beginning with a colon represents a variable; e.g. ":product_id"
router.register('products/:product_id', {
enter: ({ values }) => {
const product_id = values.product_id
You can pass these values, which contain "product_id", along to the next component, "product.html"
router.register('products/:product_id', {
enter: ({ values, then }) => child.redirect('./product.html', { values }, then )
Register "enter" and "exit" handlers. When the url changes and a path part appears, it enters. When a path part leaves, it exits.
router.register('products', {
enter: ({ then }) => child.redirect('./products.html', {}, then ),
exit: ({ then }) => child.redirect('./empty.html', {}, then )
Imagine, a url which changes from "1/2/3" to "1/b/c". "3" exits. "2" exits. "b" enters. "c" enters.
Handlers are called only when a change to each url path part is detected.
router.register('products', {
enter: ({ then }) => child.redirect('./products.html', {}, then ),
exit: ({ then }) => child.redirect('./empty.html', {}, then )
router.register('products/:product_id', {
enter: ({ then }) => child.redirect('./product.html', {}, then ),
exit: ({ then }) => child.redirect('./empty.html', {}, then )
- When the url changes from "" to "products", "products" will enter.
- When the url changes from "products" to "products/1", "products/:product_id" will enter.
- When the url changes from "products/1" to "products", "products/:product_id" will exit.
- When the url changes from "products" to "", "products" will exit.
Components are typically created inside html markup.
<div name="name" data-component="./child.html"></div>
Data is passed into a child component when it's been redirected or cloned.
Component.ready(({ component, data }) => {
const item = data.item
The function '$' returns a single element inside the component which matches the selector.
Component.ready(({ component, $ }) => {
const selector = 'button'
const button = $(selector)
When no arguments are provided, the function '$' returns every element inside the component.
Component.ready(({ component, $ }) => {
const elements = $()
const header = elements.header
const button = elements.button[1]
Find a component's child by its name.
Component.ready(({ component }) => {
const child = component.child('name')
Find a component's child by its index.
Component.ready(({ component }) => {
const child = component.child(0)
Redirect a child component.
Component.ready(({ component }) => {
const child = component.child('name')
Clone a component.
Component.ready(({ component }) => {
const data = {}
const template = component.child('template')
const clone = template.clone(data)
When you clone a component, it's inserted in the DOM directly above the subject. Cloning is mostly used for creating lists of items.
Create a cloud and share it.
const cloud = Cloud()
Service providers subscribe and listen to the cloud.
const { on_set, on_get } = cloud
on_set((key, value) => { ... })
on_get((key) => { ... })
Send a value to the cloud.
const { set } = cloud
set('key', 'value')
Watch for a value to change.
const { on_change } = cloud
on_change('key', (key, value, old) => { ... })
Interact with data in the cloud. Announce changes and requests. Providers listen to changes and provide responses.
Clouds have a scope.
const scope = cloud.scope
Register functions to dispose of later when you're finished with a scope.
let off
scope.plug(off = register_an_event_listener())
scope.plug(off = register_another_event_listener())
When you're finished with a scope, unplug. The handlers will be disconnected and disposed.
This scope is unplugged and disposed when the router path part exits.
router.register(`realm`, {
exit: () => scope.unplug()